You want to know who made Baz Luhrmann tired, too tired to do all the extra work to release a four-hour extended cut of Elvis? It’s not the studio, it’s not Tom Hanks in villain mode, it’s you. The fans. He loves your love, and works himself to the bone for it. You killed the four-hour cut of Elvis. “I’ve got to be really careful here, because the moment I put it out there … I tell you what, all my tweets are nothing but, ‘We want the four-hour version! We want the four-hour version!’” Luhrmann told Screen Rant. “I think people are at my gates with pitchforks saying, ‘We want the four-hour version!’” Baying for his blood won’t make Luhrmann work any faster, though. “Every minute in post-production, you have to do visual effects, grading, cutting, refining, and ADR sound. It’s not like it’s just sitting there finished, and I can just push a button and it comes out. You’d have to get back in and work on it,” he said. “To do an extended cut, you’d be working on it for another four or six months or something. I’m not closed to it, but not now. I’m a little bit on the tired side.” If only there was some sort of doctor that could help Baz Luhrmann with that tired feeling. It worked so well for Elvis in the movie …