Matthew Perry has continued to speak about his past addiction to drugs and alcohol, which nearly took his life and cost him $9 million to recover from. “On Sundays, I would go to open houses and go to the bathrooms in the open house and see what pills they had in there and steal them,” he told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in a Friday interview. “And I think they thought, Well, there’s no way that Chandler came in and stole from us.” At one point, Perry said he felt like he needed 55 Vicodin pills a day. While he had a personal rule to not drink or take drugs while on the Friends set, he admitted that he would show up to work “shaking and crazy hung-over.” According to the actor, his co-star Jennifer Aniston eventually confronted him and said that the cast could smell alcohol on him. Perry, who has taken 15 trips to rehab, remembers being driven from a treatment center to film Chandler’s marriage to Monica. During the interview with Sawyer, Perry was shown scenes from several old episodes of Friends, and noted that he could tell which substance he was abusing based on his fluctuating weight. He would gain weight when he was drinking and lose weight when he was on pills. “I feel sorry for that guy,” he said after watching one clip where he looked particularly thin. “Because that’s a guy that’s out of control.”