Apple and Moses Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow’s children, were played by a stand-in at the March 28 production of their mother’s ski-collision trial after the defense decided not to call them to the stand, as previously reported. Both of the Goop founder’s children were present at the time of the ski collision in 2016 and were expected to give their testimony during the trial. Instead, a stand-in for the kids read their deposition to the jury, in which they described the aftermath of the crash (they did not see it for themselves). “I did hear some commotion, but I was further down, so I decided to continue to go down to the lodge,” Apple said at the time. “She came in … and I asked what had happened, and she said, ‘This a-hole ran into me. He ran right into my back.’” Paltrow was “clearly visibly upset” and “shaken up,” according to her eldest daughter. While on the stand, Paltrow claimed she “lost half a day of skiing” due to the incident, which Apple appeared to corroborate. “She decided after that she was not going to ski for the rest of the day, which she never does,” Apple recalled. “She always stays on.”
The actor’s youngest child, Moses, said he “briefly” witnessed the collision when skiing with his instructor and remembered his mother “yelling at the guy.” “She was saying something along the lines of, ‘What the F-word? You just ran into me,’” he said. It’s too bad — the jury could have used an animation of all this in lieu of the live-action.