And now in the category of Most Unnecessary Feat Completed by a Strange Man for Some Reason — Jared Leto climbed the Empire State Building. To paraphrase a Scottish TikToker: Jared Leto, get doon! Leto summited the skyscraper on November 9 to promote the upcoming tour of his band 30 Seconds to Mars. We’re not entirely sure what type of person was on the fence about attending, saw Jared Leto Spider-Man up a building, and promptly bought tickets, but maybe they’re out there. “I’ve had a fascination with the Empire State Building, the ‘world’s number one attraction’, since I was a kid,” Leto wrote in a statement. “Not sure if it was Guinness world records, King Kong, but something about this iconic structure always captured my imagination. Built in just 13 short months, in one of the greatest cities in the world it has always been a powerful symbol to me of all the possibilities in life.”
It’s worth noting that Leto has a known tendency to climb buildings. In June, he free-soloed a short way up the Hotel de Rome in Berlin for objectively no reason alongside TikToker Younes Zarou, according to TMZ. Look, we get that the band is called 30 Seconds to Mars, but we promise there are other ways to get real high.