The guy who gave us Twin Peaks and Dune (1984) is rejecting ordinal numbers. It’s a shock he of all people is choosing to be different — when teasing calendar dates at least. While most office workers enjoyed their bank holiday on May 27, David Lynch shared a cryptic video message on Twitter, telling us to anticipate something on what normal people call June 5 (fifth). “Ladies and gentlemen, something is coming along for you to see and hear,” he warned in sunglasses, sitting in a cramped corner as the window behind him gave us a glimpse of a dark, palm-tree-dotted sky. “And it will be coming along on June five.” And that just about concludes his 22-second blip. There’s no other descriptive information in the video, aside from his refusal to be normal about not only the date but the content. What exactly does he mean by something we can “see and hear”? It could be a short film about his love of original crunchy Cheetos, an interpretive dance detailing his casting method of transcendental meditation, or that one guy breaking the fourth Megalopolis wall and talking to Adam Driver’s onscreen character. The world may never know … until June five.