Thanks to the coronavirus, comedians are now trapped at home like the rest of us, so we decided that while we’re all self-isolating, we’d do something a little different from our usual “Follow Friday” column. Instead of interviewing up-and-coming comedians we love on Twitter, we’re going live on Instagram every week to check in on some of our favorite people in comedy and get a firsthand look at how they’re handling the pandemic. So welcome to our new version of the column, now titled “Follow (From a Safe Distance) Friday.”
This week, I sat down for a virtual bicoastal conversation with Kareem Rahma (We Were Promised Flying Cars, TikTok, very unprofessionally eating M&M’s during our interview) about how he’s holding up in the pandemmy. He explained the themes behind his TikTok brand, detailed his pivot from entrepreneur to comedian to writer (shout-out to Brooklyn Comedy Collective), and joined me in a heated debate over whether those uncomfortably soft sugar cookies with the Technicolor frosting and rainbow sprinkles are actually delicious or not (they are repulsive, and I will die on this hill). He also revealed the story behind how he managed to secure his incredibly straightforward Instagram handle: “I remember the first day I heard about Instagram, and I just signed up and I just got @kareem. And, actually, when I was dead broke like three years ago, I was in a pinch and I literally hit up Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and several other Kareems on Instagram, and I was like, ‘Hi. I’m Kareem. I have the username @kareem. I will sell it to you for $5,000.’ They all said no.”
You can find Rahma on Instagram at @kareem, on Twitter at @kareemy, and on TikTok at @kareemrahma.
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