She’s an animal! Well, against her knowledge. During her Lollapalooza set, Kesha was waving around a butcher knife during her performance of “Backstabber” as she playfully pretended to stab her dancers, all covered in (hopefully) fake blood. Unbeknownst to her, she apparently was waving around a real knife during the whole thing despite thinking it was the prop they had practiced with earlier. She tweeted afterwards, “sooooo apparently the prop knife went missing and they replaced it with a real butcher knife stolen from the kitchen. and i didn’t know. till now. so watch that again….” Thankfully, Kesha didn’t do any real damage but maybe the prop change could’ve included in the pre-show meeting.
As a safety measure, if she’s planning a similar stunt when she performs “Joyride,” someone needs to check the pink slip of the vehicle.