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Sophia Bush Makes Relationship With Ashlyn Harris Cover-Story Official

Sophia Bush Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images

Some people share their life updates in long Facebook posts. Sophia Bush shared hers in a self-authored cover story. In a Glamour essay published April 25, the actor, activist, and podcast host came out as queer, confirming a long-rumored relationship with soccer champion Ashlyn Harris. “I sort of hate the notion of having to come out in 2024,” she writes. “But I’m deeply aware that we are having this conversation in a year when we’re seeing the most aggressive attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community in modern history.” Bush says the best word to define her sexuality right now is “queer,” adding, “I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum.” She provides a timeline for her relationship with Harris, saying the pair, who first met in 2019, grew closer while hanging out with a support group of recently separated friends in L.A. last summer. The rumors that surrounded their relationship were “blatant lies,” Bush writes, denying the home-wrecker allegations. Both parties finalized their divorces in 2023.

Elsewhere in the essay, Bush says her marriage to Grant Hughes unraveled at the same time as her health. She struggled with fertility — “endless ultrasounds, hormone shots … retrieval after retrieval” — while feeling disillusioned at home. To get away from the pressure of an unhappy marriage, Bush moved to London for a play, where she got sick and “spent multiple nights in the hospital” after curtain closed. When she got back to L.A., Harris was part of her new support system. “This might sound crazy — but I think other people in trauma recovery will get it — I am taking deep breaths again,” she writes. “I can feel my legs and feet. I can feel my feet in my shoes right now. It makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time.”

Sophia Bush Makes Relationship With Ashlyn Harris Official