Insecure Is a Balm, Even When It FailsDespite a soapy twist, season four felt like solace, bristling with mature storytelling and beguiling aesthetic dimensions.
Killing Eve Recap: A Love of ChaosDeath knocks on Carolyn’s door again in an exceedingly fun episode packed with heart attacks and deaths, yearning gazes and near misses.
The Good Fight’s Most Scathing Episode Yet“The Gang Deals With Alternate Reality” is a study in not just the failures of corporate feminism but the white imagination itself.
Is There Any Hope for Picard?The series still has the potential to reach greatness, but only if it can engage the Star Trek franchise’s most essential quality.
The Photograph Is an Imperfect DelightThe romantic drama is undoubtedly elevated by LaKeith Stanfield, who has proved over his short career that he has tremendous range.
Star Trek: Picard Stumbles Over Its Own LegacyPatrick Stewart is as great as ever in the series’s title role, but the show around him is struggling to live up to the standards of its predecessor.
Avenue 5 Isn’t Great Yet, But It Could BeArmando Iannucci’s new future-set space comedy, starring Hugh Laurie and Josh Gad, isn’t without its flaws, but at least they’re intriguing flaws.
The Oscars? Still So White.It’s difficult to see this year’s nominees as a result of anything other than the Academy’s continuing and glaring shortcomings.
What Did We Just Watch?A 257-show guide to Prestige, Peak, and every other kind of TV from the past decade.
tv review
You Season Two Is a Dark DelightThe gloriously deranged series returns on Netflix to explore the effects of violent masculinity and deconstruct the “Cool Girl.”
Watchmen Recap: FateThe season’s penultimate episode gives us some time-tripping insight into Angela and Doctor Manhattan’s complicated, unfortunately doomed love story.
Watchmen Recap: Hero’s JourneyWe get new insight into Angela’s past, Vietnam’s history as the 51st state, and the whereabouts of the most powerful being in the universe.