Eric Levitz Author Archive

Eric Levitz

Features Writer, Intelligencer

Eric Levitz is a features writer for Intelligencer. He covers politics and economics.

  1. vision 2020
    Democrats Should Make 2020 Into a Referendum on ‘More Socialism for Old People’The GOP needs seniors’ votes but is ideologically incapable of meeting their needs.
  2. michael bloomberg
    In Appeal to Hard Left, Bloomberg Praises Chinese CommunismBloomberg argues that Xi is “not a dictator” in an ostensible bid to occupy the “neo-Stalinist” lane of the Democratic primary.
  3. wealth tax
    If You Can’t Have Wealth Taxes, You Don’t Have a CountryThe law-and-order-loving nationalist’s case for Elizabeth Warren’s tax policies.
  4. public health
    Americans Are Dying Younger, Having Fewer Babies, Studies FindThe death rate among Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 is surging, while birth rates have hit a three-decade low.
  5. war on thanksgiving
    Trump Says Liberals Want to Change the Name of ‘Thanksgiving’“Some people want to change the name Thanksgiving. They don’t want to use the term Thanksgiving,” old man shouts at crowd.
  6. geopolitics
    Trump and Xi Are Bending the Moral Arc of History Toward BarbarismAs the two great powers celebrate war crimes and funnel Muslims into concentration camps, the outlook for moral progress in the 21st century darkens.
  7. president trump
    Trump: Xi Jinping Is a Bloodthirsty Tyrant – and an ‘Incredible’ FriendTrump said Friday that China would have killed “thousands” in Hong Kong if it wasn’t for him, then praised Xi as a “friend” and an “incredible guy.”
  8. impeachment recap
    This Week in Impeachment: Snitches Get CricketsDemocrats arranged the most damning week of testimony yet. The GOP’s narrative lies in tatters — and Trump’s job is secure as it’s ever been.
  9. democratic debates
    5 Winners From the Fifth Democratic Primary DebateIt was a great night for Booker, Buttigieg, and people who are not professionally obligated to watch Democratic primary debates.
  10. vision 2020
    Pete Buttigieg Is Worried That Free Public College Would Benefit BillionairesTuition-free college won’t attract the children of billionaires to America’s public universities. But it would be an even better program if it did.
  11. impeachment hearings
    Gordon Sondland’s Testimony Is Damning for Trump — and HimselfThe ambassador’s self-defense is that he prioritized delivering aid to Ukraine above safeguarding democracy and rule of law in the U.S.
  12. impeachment hearings
    Democrats Must Make Impeachment About Defending Democracy, Not ‘Ukraine Policy’The problem with Trump’s actions isn’t that they threatened Ukrainian self-determination, but that they threaten our own.
  13. medicaid
    One Key Lesson From Democratic Wins in Louisiana and KentuckyFor Democrats, expanding the welfare state is always good politics (eventually).
  14. vision 2020
    Could Bernie Win This Thing After All?Intelligencer staffers discuss the Vermont senator’s potentially underrated strength in the Democratic primary.
  15. vision 2020
    Joe Biden’s Fringe Views on Marijuana Could Get Trump ReelectedBiden’s anti-legalization stance may play well with nanny-state activists. But swing voters want to get big government’s hands off their bongs.
  16. impeachment recap
    Weekly Impeachment Recap: Mainstream-Cable Jetsons Meet the Fox News FlintstonesThis week’s installment of impeachment was a crossover episode — a Jetsons Meet the Flintstones for the Hannity and Maddow Cinematic Universes.
  17. impeachment
    Do the Impeachment Hearings Need to Be Entertaining?Intelligencer staffers discuss the backlash to the idea that Democrats are failing if they don’t turn the show on Capitol Hill into a thrill-fest.
  18. wealth tax
    Study: Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Slow Growth (in an Alternate Universe)A new analysis of Warren’s wealth-tax plan pretends that it is a deficit-reduction scheme — and that America is suffering a capital shortage.
  19. democracy
    Universal Health Care Is a Pro-Democracy PolicyStudies suggest that expanding Medicaid increases turnout by giving nonvoters an opportunity to register – and a valued government service to defend.
  20. impeachment
    Will Republicans Regret Blocking Trump’s Impeachment?The GOP may pay a long-term price for abetting Trump’s corruption. But the party is too wedded to the president to abandon him now.
  21. environment
    Trump’s EPA Agenda Is Wildly Unpopular. Dems Should Make It a 2020 Issue.Air pollution kills 100,000 Americans each year. Voters hate it. Trump is trying to make the problem worse. So why don’t Democrats talk about it?
  22. vision 2020
    Could Biden Lose Iowa and New Hampshire — and Still Win the Primary?Intelligencer staffers discuss how rocky the path to the nomination might be for the former veep.
  23. vision 2020
    Michael Bloomberg’s Ego Is an Agent of Socialist ChangeThe longer the Democratic Establishment refuses to accept that Joe Biden is their only hope, the better Sanders and Warren’s chances will be.
  24. vision 2020
    Leftism Isn’t Very Appealing to Nonvoters. But Bernie Sanders Is.New survey data suggests nonvoting Democrats are less ideologically progressive — but more anti-Establishment — than their co-partisans.
  25. conservatism
    The GOP’s Opposition to Impeachment Is (Terrifyingly) PrincipledMany conservatives simply value the preservation of liberal democracy less than the maintenance of their movement’s power.
  26. labor
    Virginia Democrats Should Get Right to Work — by Repealing ‘Right to Work’Virginia is one of the most anti-labor states in the union. Democrats finally have the power to change that.
  27. medicaid
    Tomorrow, America Could Get a Tiny Bit Closer to Universal Health CareMedicare for All isn’t on the ballot just yet. But in Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi, voters have a chance to secure “Medicaid for more.”
  28. medicare for all
    Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All Plan Is a Smart Storytelling DeviceWarren has an excellent plan for reframing the debate over Medicare for All — and a clever but flawed one for how to pay for the program.
  29. impeachment
    The Week in Impeachment: Ukrainegate Becomes a Sitcom?This week’s events made it clear that the impeachment saga is more sitcom than drama: The plot never thickens, the joke just heightens.
  30. the economy
    Two More Signs Trump’s ‘Great’ Economy Is Failing WorkersMost workers still can’t find a “good” job, and a growing number of middle-class families are turning to high-interest online loans to make ends meet.
  31. climate change
    Rising Seas Are Going to Drown Way More Cities Than We’d Thought: StudyIn a low-warming scenario, we expected rising tides to cover areas currently occupied by 37 million people. The real number is closer to 150 million.
  32. vision 2020
    This Democratic Senator Won’t Commit to Voting for Her Party in 2020Kyrsten Sinema is positioning herself to the right of Democrats from much redder states. That could be a problem for progressives in 2021.
  33. norms
    Chanting ‘Lock Him Up’ at a Lawless President Is Good for DemocracyA crowd of ordinary Americans demanding their lawless president face legal sanctions is the opposite of authoritarian.
  34. vision 2020
    459,000 Working-Class White Male Wisconsinites Didn’t Vote In 2016Democrats fear that four years of presidential appeals to white identity politics could politicize these nonvoters — and reelect Donald Trump.
  35. recapping impeachment
    Recapping Impeachment: Bill Taylor Returns for One Last MissionWe need to talk about Bill Taylor, but we should talk about Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.
  36. rudy giuliani
    Rudy and Hunter Biden Both Worked for the Same Romanian KleptocratRudy Giuliani was for Hunter Biden abetting corruption in Eastern Europe before he was against it.
  37. trump administration
    USDA Watchdog to Investigate Department’s Alleged Suppression of Climate ScienceTrump administration appointees allegedly tried to bury research showing climate change’s devastating impacts on U.S. agriculture.
  38. vision 2020
    How Centrist Democrats Botched the 2020 PrimaryModerates are realizing, with horror, that their best bets are now a senescent, cash-poor Biden — or a college-town mayor with no black support.
  39. foreign policy
    Pence Says Turkey Has Agreed to Cease-fire in SyriaTurkey has reportedly agreed to halt its invasion for five days so that Kurdish forces can peacefully withdraw from the contested region.
  40. medicare for all
    Biden’s Attacks on Medicare for All Undermine the Entire Democratic AgendaThere are ways to oppose single-payer without demonizing the very concept of tax-financed social programs. Biden’s picked one that does.
  41. president trump
    Trump: Kurds Are ‘Not Angels.’ In Fact, They’re ‘Worse at Terror’ Than ISISThe president explains that the forces his own administration allied with against ISIS were actually worse than ISIS all along.
  42. vision 2020
    Beto O’Rourke 2020 Has Been Worse Than UselessHe could have been a contender (in Texas). Instead, he’s run a dumb, needlessly divisive campaign.
  43. democratic debates
    Bernie Sanders’s Campaign Is Alive and WellThe Vermont senator bounces back from a heart attack with his best debate performance of the cycle – and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement.
  44. lindsey graham
    Lindsey Graham Said Syrian Kurds Were ‘Threat’ to Turkey in Prank CallGraham also appeared to assure the fake Turkish official that his party would help an Erdogan ally get off easy for violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.
  45. president trump
    Trump’s Betrayal of the Kurds May Be the Dumbest Move of His PresidencyHe found one of the few ways to make GOP senators shout, “Donald Trump is misusing executive power,” right as impeachment gets rolling.
  46. elizabeth warren
    Could Warren’s Abandonment of Big-Money Fundraisers Hurt Her Against Trump?Intelligencer staffers discuss the Massachusetts senator’s aversion to a time-honored candidate pastime.
  47. syria
    Turkey: Trump Knew ‘Precisely’ the Scope of Our Attack Plans in SyriaAs Turkish bombs fall on Kurdish border towns, Erdogan’s government insists that Trump green-lit its operation.
  48. corruption
    Trump’s (Insane) Conflict of Interest in the Turkey-Syria DisputeTrump collects millions in royalties from a licensing agreement in Istanbul — a deal that an ally of Erdogan could cancel at any time.
  49. global politics
    The NBA–Hong Kong Controversy Suggests History Isn’t Ending How We’d PlannedEconomic integration was supposed to bring democracy to China. Instead, it’s brought Chinese state censorship to corporate America.
  50. the economy
    These 3 Policy Failures Are Killing the American DreamAmerica is historically rich, yet its middle class is increasingly insecure. Here’s why.
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