Vulture and New York TV critic Jen Chaney previously worked for the Washington Post and has bylines at the New York Times and Vanity Fair. She also wrote As If: The Complete Oral History of Clueless.
Matthew Perry Couldn’t Be Boxed InAs the jokester who wears snarkiness as emotional armor, Chandler stole every Friends scene — even ones where he was theoretically absent.
The State Hasn’t Changed. God Bless Them.A three-night New York City stop during their “Breakin’ Hearts and Dippin’ Balls” tour confirms that the troupe’s still got it.
Cat Person Is Cringe HorrorThe film adaptation of a famous New Yorker short story is appropriately grimace-inducing, but it can’t help overexplaining its terror.
Yellowjackets Has a Plan for Other TaissaThe series writers confirm they know exactly what’s going on with Taissa Turner’s alter ego, even if the two actresses who play her do not.
Ted Lasso Has a Major Character FlawIn the spirit of “Be curious, not judgmental,” we’re curious whether the show remembers why we cared about these people in the first place.