Matlock Recap: Kramer vs. KramerA case reminds Matty of one of the biggest regrets of her life, and reminds us that Matty is capable of being very, very wrong.
ByNoel Murray
Elsbeth Recap: Love Is in the AirA man becomes so smitten with Elsbeth that he makes a grand transatlantic romantic gesture, and who can blame him?
BySophie Brookover
Matlock Recap: Paranoia Will Destroy YaThe season is racing toward some kind of reckoning, but Matty has to deal with Sarah and Shae’s immediate threats before we get there.
Elsbeth Recap: Lady Macbeth’s AccentIt doesn’t get much better than Laurie Metcalf playing an egotistical and murderous television actor who does horrible accents.
Survivor Recap: Tricks and TreatsTonight’s episode certifies this season as one of the best in a long time. Wait, do I like Survivor’s New Era?
ByBrian Moylan
Matlock Recap: Pharma WoesMatty has to defend the amoral corporate villains she’s trying to take down — is this Matlock’s idea of a holiday episode?
ByNoel Murray
Survivor Recap: An Old-School MisdirectIt’s episodes like this one that are a reminder of why we watch: manipulation, paranoia, and excellent gameplay coming together.
Survivor Recap: Nero FiddledAre the new-era players finally wising up and not taking the bait and playing the silly, advantage-filled game the producers want them to play?