Its Coming - Vulture
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It’s Coming

  1. it’s coming
    40 Erotic Thrillers You Can Stream Right NowTurn on the TV and close the blinds.
  2. on demand
    Erotic Thrillers Owe Everything to Home ViewersThey famously brought sex and death to the multiplex, but their survival depended on late-night cable, down-market sequels, and direct-to-video films.
  3. role call
    Wayne Knight Answers Every Question We Have About Basic Instinct“I feel like this film couldn’t be made today because the voice against it would be too strong and too listened-to.”
  4. performance review
    Kathleen Turner Made the Modern Femme FataleShe rewrote the rules of the cinematic seductress in the 1981 erotic thriller Body Heat.
  5. sexpositions
    Peter Berg on Being Linda Fiorentino’s Sex ToyGroping and riding in The Last Seduction.
  6. sexpositions
    Jennifer Tilly Remembers Her Bound Sex Scene“It’s not two actresses trying to kiss each other in a pretty way — even if I did ask her to prop up my breast!”
  7. endings
    Harrison Ford Didn’t Do ItOr did he? The joy of watching the actor in erotic thrillers like Presumed Innocent is in the way he can keep us guessing how bad he really is.
  8. it’s coming
    Erika Christensen Answers Every Question We Have About SwimfanOn the appeal of bunny boilers, which teen star got unnecessarily waxed for pool shoots, and the possibility of a sequel.
  9. it’s coming
    When Sex Was Bad for You (and You Wanted It Anyway)Erotic thrillers are dead, but the conversations they started aren’t even close to climax.
  10. it’s coming
    What Was It About Michael Douglas?As the go-to fall guy in erotic thrillers, the actor represented the ultimate boomer avatar: the male ego under siege.
  11. it’s coming
    22 Signs You’re Watching an Erotic ThrillerIf you see Michael Douglas, sex negativity, or vertical blinds, you’re in the right wrong place.
  12. the industry
    Hollywood Has No Idea What to Do With the Erotic ThrillerThe industry is still nervous about sex on big screens, leaving streamers to struggle to reboot a genre that died too young.