- January 15, 2001
- Pundit's Progress
Too cute to be curmudgeonly, too straitlaced to be cool, Tucker Carlson is more than a Bunyonesque character. In this Bushian time, he's gonna be a star!
- January 8, 2001
- Zucker Unbound
Jeff Zucker made Today the most profitable three hours on television. But as the new head of NBC Entertainment, he has a tougher job: saving network TV.
- January 1, 2001
- Told You So
I scored a solid B+ on last year's predictions -- despite the AOL-Time Warner deal. This year's forecast is all gloomy, especially for George W. Bush.
- December 18, 2000
- Gang of Four
While everyone was waiting for one of the candidates to do the right thing, the Bush black-bag operation stole the election. Does anybody care?
- December 4, 2000
- Our Remote-Control President
Forget David Boies, dimpled chads, and desperate litigation -- the country has already elected a new president. Just look at The West Wing's Nielsen ratings. He's a fire-breathing orator, a Nobel laureate in economics -- and he's almost as inspiring as FDR. Too bad Martin Sheen is only in office an hour a week.
- November 27, 2000
- Duel in the Sun
The Good of the Country comes face-to-face with the Will of the People as the nation waits for someone to blink. It's the only real politics we've had for years.
- November 20, 2000
- The Losers
The candidates got the vote they deserved. Turn the election into a marketing arms race, and it's bound to end in mutually assured destruction.
- November 13, 2000
- The Kidder King
Dave Eggers is the new media hero as anti-media hero, complete with acolytes. Is he the voice of his generation, or is he just mixing the Kool-Aid?
- October 30, 2000
- Wasps or Wonks
Voters are about to get hitched to a man who will set the tone of the times. Whom do you want to see each morning at breakfast?
- October 23, 2000
- Fametown
We always suspected celebrity was a place where all the stars know each other and have dinner together. We were right -- and it's Ingrid Sischy's hometown.