Food Archive -- New York Magazine

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Food Archive

January 22, 2007

Hell’s Kitchen star Gordon Ramsay’s New York debut falls well short of heavenly.

January 22, 2007
Drinking and Thinking

Three cultural institutions shrug off their fusty reputations by uncorking a few bottles of wine.

January 22, 2007
Where’s the Lamb?

In these burger-crazed times, lamb may not be the new beef, but it’s certainly giving turkey a run for its money.

January 15, 2007
High Chairs for Grown-ups

With counter dining all the rage, we take stock of some of the city’s newest haute stools.

January 15, 2007
Restaurant Openings

Week of January 15, 2007: Taj-Almoulouk , Café Grumpy, and Yoláto.

January 15, 2007
Kobe Club

So unloved Mix, twice unhappily revised, reemerges as Kobe Club, and the kitchen is already impressive.

January 15, 2007

Although it does a fairly good imitation of a carrot, do not attempt to eat a parsnip in its natural state. The humble root was designed for cooking.

January 15, 2007
The New Russia

The latest incarnation of the Russian Tea Room evokes gilded old New York, but the food and service lack polish.

January 15, 2007
Pork and Beans, à la Française

In France, cassoulet has long been the subject of debate. Does mutton belong among the pig parts and preserved goose? Which beans are best? How many times is the crust broken (seven in Castelnaudary, eight in Toulouse)? Mercifully, New York chefs take a looser approach, catering to bean-stew classicists and modernists alike.

January 15, 2007
Feed Me

The culinary no-man’s-land known as the flower district has suddenly become safe for foodies.