A Somebody Somewhere SpectacleBridget Everett’s HBO half-hour counted its victories in developments modest by TV standards and monumental on the scale of everyday life.
Bridget Everett Said Exactly What She WantedShe reflects on Somebody Somewhere’s cancellation with Jeff Hiller and Mary Catherine Garrison: “Everything is leading up to Joel saying that to Sam.”
ByJen Chaney
Dune: Prophecy Recap: Ancient HistoryValya didn’t murder her rivals and cover up her misdeeds just to watch her power slip away, yet that’s exactly what is happening.
ByScott Tobias
Big Tits, Trim Ankles, and a PeabodyBridget Everett reflects on the life and death of her TV masterpiece Somebody Somewhere: “I can’t imagine anything else being this good.”
The Franchise Recap: A Bridge Too FarWill Martin Scorsese ever live down comparing comic-book movies to theme-park rides in an interview once? No. Probably not.