Does Court Ruling Mean the Death of Superman?After all, the argument goes, now these schmoes who are leeching off their father’s legacy can force DC to stop printing Superman comics or demand that Warner Bros. stop making Superman movies!
apropos of nothing
Why Won’t the Music Business Hire Nerds?The music business, increasingly facing irrelevance in an economy ruled by technological innovation, has just announced its newest hire — it’s some guy with a background in the music business!
‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ to Be Two Movies?Though we’re glad that Warner Brothers is at least considering releasing two films of one of the books, we’re a little surprised they’re finally doing it for Deathly Hallows, which of course gives over a solid 400 of its 759 pages to Harry, Ron and Hermione shouting in tents.
Fake ‘Watchmen’ Viral Sites Spur Movie-Blog Flame WarThe long-anticipated movie of Watchmen, considered by many the definitive graphic novel of all time, by Zack Snyder, director of megahit 300, promises to be a nerd-culture event of the highest degree. So movie and comics blogs got pretty excited when two Websites popped up seemingly related to the Warner Brothers film.
The Outlier: The One Critic Who Liked ‘License to Wed’Fifty years from now, as film scholars prepare the Criterion Collection edition of License to Wed, will they look back and say, “Why, oh, why, didn’t anyone listen to Lawrence Toppman?”