Heath Ledger - Vulture
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Heath Ledger

  1. hashtag pride
    Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal Could’ve Had Sex ‘All the Time’If Pedro Almodóvar got to direct Brokeback Mountain, that is.
  2. actors on actors
    Jeremy Strong Was Michelle Williams’s Daughter’s Therapy HorseWork hard, neigh hard.
  3. golden years
    An Ode to A Knight’s Tale and Its Perfect David Bowie Dance SceneTwenty years ago, A Knight’s Tale became a cultural phenomenon, thanks to the magical combination of Heath Ledger and a medieval disco.
  4. heath ledger
    I Am Heath Ledger Trailer: Heath Ledger Through the Memories of His Loved Ones“He wanted fame, and then when he got it, he didn’t want it.”
  5. last night on late night
    Gabrielle Union Warmly Reminisces About Heath Ledger’s Old Soul on WWHLHeath Ledger, the 19-year-old with the dad drink.
  6. what’s a bogey lowenstein?
    Krumholtz on 10 Things I Hate About You Cast“I was extremely lucky to have made friends with a normal, everyday guy named Heath.”
  7. oral history
    Heath Ledger Hated That ‘I Wish I Knew How to Quit You’ Became a Meme“He was extraordinarily serious about the political issues.”
  8. music
    T-Pain Named His New Mixtape After Heath Ledger“I want to master my craft like [Ledger] tried to do before he died,” says T-Pain.
  9. sad things
    Michelle Williams Has a Reason for That Pixie CutIt might make your heart hurt.
  10. explanations
    Guess Which Bon Iver Song Is Sort of About Heath Ledger“I was with a guy that I didn’t know very well … in those three days, his best friend died.”
  11. music
    Watch the Music Video Heath Ledger Directed for Rapper N’FA“We had intended on releasing it a long, long time ago.”
  12. music
    Watch an Odd But Earnest Rap Tribute to Heath LedgerIt’s “basically Heath Ledger’s ‘I’ll Be Missing You.’”
  13. chat room
    Terry Gilliam on Heath Ledger’s Last Movie“Nietzsche was wrong. What doesn’t kill you does not make you stronger. It makes you really tired.”
  14. you heard it here first
    Vulture Premieres Two Python-esque Tracks From Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus“We Love Violence” is a rowdy celebration of police brutality shouted out by vicious police officers, who conclude their ditty with spectacular flatulence.
  15. tom cruise
    Could Tom Cruise Have Saved Dr. Parnassus (and Vice Versa)?Come on, Terry, we know he’s weird, but if Tom Cruise asks to be in your movie, you should say yes.
  16. imaginariums
    Heath Ledger’s Last-Ever Movie Coming to an Imaginarium Near You’The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ has found an American distributor.
  17. trailer mix
    The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Trailer Breaks Our Gilliam-o-MeterThis looks like something you’d dream after eating some bad clams and falling asleep in a sauna.
  18. See Heath Ledger’s Anti-Whaling Modest Mouse VideoModest Mouse has finally released the animated video for “King Rat,” which Heath Ledger conceived and had begun directing shortly before he died.
  19. longtailpocalypse
    Studios Just Not That Into Indie MoviesIf you thought medium-expensive star vehicles were the only things studios were nixing from their budgets these days, well then you were completely wrong, you idiot.
  20. cannes
    First Doctor Parnassus Reviews Not Boding Well for Heath Ledger’s Oscar Chances“The film is not intelligent enough nor silly or grotesque enough to become a lasting favorite.”
  21. heath ledger posthumous oscar watch
    Is This Heath Ledger’s Next Oscar Clip?See the first footage from Heath’s performance in ‘Doctor Parnassus’!
  22. heath ledger posthumous oscar watch
    Heath Ledger to Win Second Posthumous OscarTerry Gilliam’s going for it!
  23. surprise!
    Dr. Parnassus Gets the Harry Knowles Stamp of ApprovalThe Internet’s easiest movie critic has seen Terry Gilliam’s ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ — and he likes it!
  24. imaginariums
    Can Doctor Parnassus Win Heath Ledger His Second Posthumous Oscar?It’s being released during Oscar season, after all.
  25. the industry
    Catherine Hardwicke Trades Vampires for Genetically Engineered Human-Bird HybridsPlus: The Modest Mouse video that Heath Ledger directed will finally see the light of day.
  26. imaginariums
    Is Terry Gilliam’s Heath Ledger Movie Still in Trouble?Despite six months of talks, there’s still no American distribution deal for ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.’
  27. kudos
    Vulture’s Final Oscar Predictions: the Exciting CategoriesWant to lose $10 in your Oscar pool? Bet on these!
  28. drama
    Will Heath Ledger’s Oscar Also Mysteriously Vanish Somewhere Over Guam?Let’s hope Kim Ledger isn’t flying Ajira Airways!
  29. kudos
    Matilda Ledger Will Have to Cross Miles of Red Tape If She Ever Wants Her OscarGet ready for a Lucci-esque waiting period!
  30. kudos
    Ten Things That Ought to Make the Golden Globes Worth WatchingIt’s the Fun Bobby of awards shows!
  31. heath ledger posthumous oscar watch
    Christopher Nolan Accepts Heath Ledger’s First Televised Posthumous AwardWith all the emotion and enthusiasm of a guy ordering a sandwich, we might add.
  32. drama
    Who’s Going to Accept the Golden Globe on Heath Ledger’s Behalf?Our vote is for Jack Nicholson.
  33. oscars
    Dark Knight Gets Rerelease, James Cameron TremblesWhy so profitable?
  34. trailer mix
    ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ Teaser: Bathrobed Terry Gilliam Does Not Inspire Confidence in His Upcoming MovieThis new teaser for Gilliam’s supposedly forthcoming Heath Ledger movie is mostly concept art and half-rendered CGI, much of it cribbed from Gilliam’s other films.
  35. countdown
    How Much Money Will Heath Ledger’s Terry Gilliam Movie Make?At least a million times what the average Terry Gilliam movie makes, that’s for sure.
  36. kudos
    Heath Ledger Posthumous Oscar Watch: Terry Gilliam Cries FoulSoon the Heath Ledger Oscar campaign will become as tacky as our new logo.
  37. trailer mix
    New ‘Dark Knight’ Trailer: Really, Why So Damn Serious?Remember when the most depressing thing about Batman movies was that they were terrible?
  38. chat room
    Andrew Garfield on ‘Boy A’ and Heath LedgerThe 24-year old British stage star talks to Vulture on the eve of his becoming too famous to talk to Vulture.
  39. ranters and ravers
    Did Heath Ledger Really Slag Off Philip Seymour Hoffman? The ‘Times’ Says So!The ‘Times Book Review’ includes a highly questionable quotation purported to be from Heath Ledger. Vulture calls B.S.
  40. the take
    Shooting Restarts on Terry Gilliam’s Heath Ledger MovieJohnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law will replace the deceased star.
  41. the early-evening news
    Does Ludacris Have Hos in Your Area Code?Plus: Is The Golden Compass a success after all?
  42. the take
    Our Undergrad Fiction Workshop Critiques the ‘Esquire’ Heath Ledger Story“Show, don’t tell!”
  43. the early-evening news
    Ben Silverman: ‘Quarterlife’ Was ‘So Worth a Try’Plus: The Beatles!
  44. apropos of nothing
    Terry Gilliam’s Heath Ledger Movie Still Sounds Crazy, But Now in a Good WayGuess which three actors will take over Ledger’s role!
  45. apropos of nothing
    What’s Going On With Heath Ledger’s Gilliam Movie?It’s now been two weeks since the death of Heath Ledger and still no definitive word on what will become of Terry Gilliam’s half-completed The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus.
  46. the early-evening news
    Wolflike Director Quits Werewolf MoviePlus: Cloverfield way down at the box office!
  47. apropos of nothing
    Will Johnny Depp Replace Heath Ledger in Ridiculous New Gilliam Movie?Oft-reliable British tabloid The Sun reports today on an unsubstantiated rumor that Johnny Depp could replace Heath Ledger in The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, Terry Gilliam’s in-production fantasy film which Ledger’s death threw into uncertainty this week.
  48. apropos of nothing
    Heath Ledger: America’s List Makers RespondPerhaps the urge to put things in 1-10 order should be resisted in the immediate aftermath of death.
  49. the take
    Terry Gilliam’s Heath Ledger Movie: What Now?Gilliam, though surely incredibly upset at the death of his friend and collaborator, must also be shaking his fist at Heaven and shouting, “What next?”
  50. obit
    Heath Ledger: An AppreciationThe role that truly defined Heath Ledger’s career wasn’t in Brokeback Mountain.
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