Sherlock - Vulture
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  1. elementary
    The 15 Best Dr. Watsons, RankedSherlock Holmes is one of the most adapted characters in the history of literature, but what of his trusty Dr. Watson?
  2. rip
    Una Stubbs, Mrs. Hudson on Sherlock, Dies Following Illness at 84The English actress had a career on British TV and stage for over half a century.
  3. trailer mix
    Millie Bobby Brown Breaks Fourth Walls, Glass Ceilings in Enola Holmes TrailerShe’s on the case.
  4. crime
    Benedict Cumberbatch Saves Bicyclist From Gang AttackIt all went down in London.
  5. elementary my dear
    Benedict Cumberbatch Not a Fan of Martin Freeman’s ‘Pathetic’ Sherlock Comments“I don’t necessarily agree with that.”
  6. fandom
    Martin Freeman Says Fan Expectations Ruined Sherlock for Him“It’s not a thing to be enjoyed, it’s a thing of: ‘You better f—ing do this, otherwise, you’re a c—.’ That’s not fun anymore.”
  7. chat room
    Sherlock Showrunner Steven Moffat Explains That Big Finale“Sherlock is quite a compassionate, passionate man underneath it all.”
  8. international incidents
    BBC Investigates Possibility That Sherlock Leak Came From Russian StateThe Russian government seems to have its hands in a lot of pies.
  9. overnights
    Sherlock Season-Finale Recap: The East Wind“The Final Problem” barely resembles Sherlock as we know it.
  10. overnights
    Sherlock Recap: A Sick Man“The Lying Detective” brings fun back to Baker Street.
  11. modern discourse
    Sherlock Co-Creator Slams Critics With Poem“In shooting down pygmies and Hounds from hell / Did Sherlock on Victorian niceties dwell?”
  12. the conan doyle canon
    Sherlock Showrunner Defends That Unexpected Season-Premiere Death“They had fun making it a trio but it doesn’t work long term.”
  13. long and winding family trees
    Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Author RelatedBecause all British people know each other.
  14. overnights
    Sherlock Season Premiere Recap: An Appointment in Samarra“The Six Thatchers” isn’t much of a mystery, but it’s certainly shocking.
  15. conscious uncoupling
    Amanda Abbington Discusses Martin Freeman SplitThey remain married onscreen as Dr. John and Mary Watson.
  16. a mother’s love
    Cumberbatch’s Mom Said He Wasn’t Sherlock-HotBet you feel real silly now, MOM.
  17. trailer mix
    Something’s Coming in Sherlock’s Season 4 TrailerIt’s not a game anymore.
  18. very british things
    Sherlock’s Fourth Season Is Coming in JanuaryElementary, my dear television-recording device.
  19. sherlock
    Sherlock Reveals 4th-Season Episode TitlesThe series returns to BBC One in January 2017.
  20. mysteries
    Sherlock’s Amanda Abbington Says Her Purse Was Stolen at the Emmys“Came back to my seat and some bastard had nicked my purse.”
  21. comic con 2016
    Comic-Con: Sherlock Is Going Extra Dark for Season 4And the show’s creative team offered some very vague clues.
  22. casting call
    Toby Jones Joins Sherlock As a New VillainLet the confounding … begin!
  23. the industry
    Sherlock Directed by Woman for First TimeAn episode that actually airs, that is.
  24. close reads
    Sherlock’s New Special Is a Full Season of TV in One 90-Minute EpisodeCall it peak TV through the looking glass.
  25. overnights
    Sherlock Holiday Special Recap: Unstuck in Time Welcome to Victorian England! Here’s your fancy hat and uncomfortable corset.
  26. behind the scenes
    Go Behind the Scenes of Victorian SherlockAiring January 1 on the BBC.
  27. trailers
    Sherlock: The Abominable Bride’s New Trailer: Here Comes the BrideAnd Holmes will wear the damn hat.
  28. playing catch-up
    How to Catch Up on Winter’s Returning TV FavoritesStill waiting to watch Sherlock? Seize the day, friend.
  29. trailer mix
    Sherlock Victorian Special Trailer: Just Wear the Damn HatThrowback … Wednesday?
  30. roll clip!
    Watch the First Clip From the Victorian-Set Sherlock SpecialThrowback!
  31. sexuality
    Sherlock Holmes Is Not Gay, Not Straight, Says Steven Moffat“He’s been saying it over 100 years! He’s not interested in [sex].”
  32. tv
    Sherlock’s Christmas Special Will Be Set in the Victorian EraThat explains the costumes.
  33. It’s a Fanmade World: Your Guide to the Fanfiction ExplosionThe tense tug-of-war between artists and their creations’ biggest admirers, the video-game obsessives who bootlegged Nintendo, and Harry Styles.
  34. on set photos
    Benedict Cumberbatch Dresses Like Original Sherlock, Looks GreatSpoiler alert.
  35. profile
    Benedict and the Cumberbitches: What Fame Looks Like From Inside a MemeNo one is immune to the charms of “the Internet’s Boyfriend.”
  36. special specials
    You’ll Get Some New Sherlock Before Season 4A special special.
  37. and the winner is…
    Vulture TV Awards: Best DialogueElementary, my dear Martin Freeman.
  38. Sherlock’s Third Season to Stream Exclusively on NetflixTo celebrate, we caught up with executive producer Steven Moffat and producer Sue Vertue.
  39. the game is a-footsies
    Send Your Special Someone a Sherlock and Dr. Watson Valentine’s Day CardFor those who want to end their evening in a cozy mind-palace for two.
  40. wish lists
    Five Things We Want in Sherlock’s Fourth SeasonGive Molly her due.
  41. sesame street
    Watch Benedict Cumberbatch Do Some Super-Sleuthing on Sesame Street“I’m really just an actor.”
  42. postmortem
    Sherlock Finale Postmortem: Moffat Weighs InIn order: Moriarty, Magnussen, mum, the mind palace, and Molly.
  43. chat room
    Sherlock’s Amanda Abbington on Mary’s SecretOn her casting: “Slight nepotism, but I’ve been working for so many years now that I think that’s fine.”
  44. overnights
    Sherlock Season 3 Finale Recap: A Three-Pipe ProblemBefore embarking on yet another interminable vacation, Sherlock packs in a rewarding mystery and says hello to a familiar face.
  45. mawwage
    Sherlock and Watson Are TV’s Best Male BFFsTrue love comes in many forms.
  46. great bromances
    Steven Moffat Explains the Origins of Sherlock’s Best-Man SpeechHe teared up while writing that last bit.
  47. overnights
    Sherlock Recap: Best Man for the JobSherlock’s speech is a corker.
  48. tv
    Cumberbatch Says Sherlock Kiss Like Fistbumping“We cut it right before the kiss. And the sex.”
  49. ratings
    Ratings: Sherlock Surges, But It’s No DowntonIt’s not growing nearly as fast as PBS’s other U.K. import.
  50. overnights
    Sherlock Season 3 Premiere Recap: Impossible Is NothingA bumpy reentry, but by episode’s end, things are back to normal for Holmes and Watson.
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