The Great British Baking Show — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Great British Baking Show

  1. Episode 10 The Final
    The Great British Baking Show Season Finale Recap: Three Men and a Pastry The three finalists try to avoid soggy bottoms one last time as they face Season 5’s final challenge.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: If the Choux Fits Patisserie week takes the British bakers on a difficult journey through French baking techniques in the season’s penultimate episode.
  3. Episode 8 Biscuits
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Car Crash Crackers Making crackers proves daunting, but not as daunting as building something other than a house out of gingerbread.
  4. Episode 7 Sweet Dough
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Dough-ble Jeopardy Sweet dough week proves the undoing of two contestants in an episode that delivers some doughnut history.
  5. Episode 6 Puddings
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Blood Is Thicker Than Pudding Puddings threaten to get the better of the bakers this week, leading to some “unusual” results.
  6. Episode 5 Pies
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: American Pie The great British bakers take a crack at making some sweet American pies with mixed results.
  7. Episode 4 Desserts
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: The Bravest Thing I’ve Ever Done Desserts Week finds one contestant summoning all the bravery she possesses. Also: We learn some words are pronounced quite differently in Britain!
  8. Episode 3 Tarts
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: It’s Edible! This week’s challenge: tarts. But whoever will triumph must first avoid the trap of the soggy bottom.
  9. Episodes 1 - 2 Cakes and Bread
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Premiere Recap: Oh Dear, Disaster! The beloved baking competition returns with a season never before seen in the U.S.
  1. Episode 10 The Finals
    The Great British Baking Show Season Finale Recap: And the Winner Is … Who’s the greatest British baker: Nadiya, Ian, or Tamal?
  2. Episode 9 Chocolate
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Chocoholic Never stray from the brief, people.
  3. Episode 8 Pâtisserie
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Rough Puff Who on earth is washing all of these dishes?
  4. Episode 7 Victorian
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Lady Fingers The greatest mystery of our time: Why does the Male Judge hate pomegranate?
  5. Episode 6 Pastry
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Soggy Bottoms If Alvin starts crying, I will quit this program forever.
  6. Episode 5 Alternative Ingredients
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Fake Cakes This is basically porn for wellness enthusiasts.
  7. Episode 3 Bread
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Get That Bread This week’s showstopper challenge is sheer lunacy.
  8. Episode 2 Biscuits
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: What’s in the Box? It’s biscuit week! Think Oreos, not Popeyes.
  9. Episode 1 Cake
    The Great British Baking Show Season Premiere Recap: Meet the Bakers Welcome to the summer’s most exciting hour of television.
  1. Episode 10 The Final
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Je Ne Sais Cake Mel and Sue to break out their Franglish and their Pepé Le Pew accents.
  3. Episode 8 Tudor Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: The 6 Pies of Henry VIII Why does baking have to be so emotional?
  4. Episode 7 Desserts
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Welcome to Mousseport I would very much love to eat everything that Benjamina bakes.
  5. Episode 6 Botanical
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Flower Power This week, it’s all about floral cakes.
  6. Episode 5 Pastry
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: The Mighty Bouche What a glorious, excessively buttery episode.
  7. Episode 4 Batter
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Batter Up The first-ever Batter Week is here!
  8. Episode 3 Bread
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Happy Babka Never serve Paul Hollywood anything raw.
  9. Episodes 1 - 2 Cake and Biscuits
  1. Episode 10 Final
    The Great British Baking Show Finale Recap: Out With a Whimper After this season, we need a new definition for underdog.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: A Glass Bake of Emotion This year’s semifinals feature nothing short of a miracle — and yet, this story doesn’t have a happy ending.
  3. Episode 8 Pastry Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Pie in the Sky This Pastry Week is refreshingly light on soggy bottoms — but at what cost?
  4. Episode 7 Festival Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: A Hot Cross to Bear This week’s episode requires so many disparate skills that it could easily have been a finale.
  5. Episode 6 Dessert Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Bombes Away As with any challenge involving molds, a lot can go very wrong, very fast. This is the baking drama we crave!
  6. Episode 5 The Roaring Twenties
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: If You Like Piña Coladas Still riding the chaotic high of Dairy Week, the showrunners decide it’s time to throw another brand new theme into the mix.
  7. Episode 4 Dairy Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Hit or Mishti Turns out a lot can go wrong with dairy, especially when you ask ten people to make an Indian milk sweet that eight of them are unfamiliar with.
  8. Episode 3 Bread Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Proving Grounds The show’s most topsy-turvy week gives us a multitude of savory flavors, a marathon Showstopper challenge, and the season’s first Hollywood Handshake.
  9. Episode 2 Biscuit Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Animal Farm Is Alice an actual Disney princess come to life? Signs point to yes.
  10. Episode 1 Cake Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Death by a Thousand Cuts Season 10 kicks off with a return to Cake Week, featuring rubbery sponges, a “faultless” carrot cake, and an alarming number of injuries.
  1. Episode 10 The Final
    The Great British Baking Show Season Finale Recap: Bubble Over In the end, the weirdest season in Great British history brought me to tears after all.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Fallen Star It’s Pâtisserie Week and it’s all just too much.
  3. Episode 8 Dessert Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Just Desserts This show is at its best when it’s very, very British.
  4. Episode 7 1980s Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Unleash the Quiche As America grapples with the nature of democracy, GBBO grapples with the nature of “a theme.”
  5. Episode 6 Japanese Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Just Eat the Pickle, Paul! There’s nothing inherently wrong with Japanese Week as a concept, but this episode illustrates all the ways it can go bad.
  6. Episode 5 Pastry Week
    The Great British Baking Show Was Never Going to Save Us Perhaps we’ve been asking too much of Paul Hollywood and the gang.
  7. Episode 4 Chocolate Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Hot Chocolate The world is mired in problems of our own making. Why must it also be that way in the tent?
  8. Episode 3 Bread Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Better Off Bread Every Bread Week is a singular event, but this Bread Week is particularly momentous.
  9. Episode 2 Biscuit Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Risk it For the Biscuit On the occasion of Biscuit Week 2020, let us survey the emerging stars inside the tent.
  10. Episode 1 Cake Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Keep Calm and Bake a Cake Yes of course everything is terrible, but on the other hand, Battenberg cake!
  1. Episode 10 The Final
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Finale Recap: Flavor Savior A lackluster season ends with three excellent bakers taking on final challenges that are undeserving of their talents.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie Week
    Great British Baking Show Recap: Release the Krokan What a week of surprises — not just who won and went home, but that no one’s giant Krokan sculptures came crashing down, maiming Paul Hollywood.
  3. Episode 8 Pastry Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Pie Hard A tough pastry week makes for a tough elimination.
  4. Episode 7 Custard Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Custard’s Last Stand What is custard? Well, it’s like English pudding but not nearly as stiff, and they put it in or on just about every dessert you can imagine.
  5. Episode 6 Halloween Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: October Surprise Bless the bakers for going along with these Halloween Week challenges without the tiniest bit of snark.
  6. Episode 5 Dessert Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Pudding Their Best Foot Forward After the disaster that was Mexican Week, it’s a relief to get back to the simple drama of wobbly puddings and gelatinous curd.
  7. Episode 4 Mexican Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Mexican Standoff This week’s real challenge is trying not to be offensive.
  8. Episode 3 Bread Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Swede, Swede Victory This year’s Bread Week features minimal bread baking and an eerily empty tent.
  9. Episode 2 Biscuit Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Mask for Mask Finishing your showstopper with a half-hour still left: never a good sign.
  10. Episode 1 Cake Week
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Premiere Recap: Holding Out for a Hero Returning to the Bake Off tent is like crawling into a comfy, warm oven, one full of lovely people where nothing too bad ever happens.
  1. Episode 10 The Final
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Finale Recap: As Tiers Go By A pleasant season ends with a laughing, smiling, giddy finale for a laughing, smiling, giddy champion.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Such a Tart! We’re not entirely sure the right person went home during the dreaded Patisserie Week.
  3. Episode 8 Party Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Party Week gets phallic with sausage-roll and Caterpillar Cake challenges, which feels appropriate enough.
  4. Episode 7 Dessert Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Technical Difficulties Dessert week? More like failure week.
  5. Episode 6 Botanicals Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Buns in the Oven For a brief, brief moment, Cristy looks like she could be the dark horse of the season … until she spectacularly spirals.
  6. Episode 5 Pastry Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Pies Are Squared Finally, the chefs get to make some lovely fruit pies instead of just savory ones filled with sausage and haggis and things of that nature.
  7. Episode 4 Chocolate Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Chocolate Kisses Despite chocolate work not really being baking, it makes for another good challenge in our “back to basics” season.
  8. Episode 3 Bread Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Something to Prove It’s Bread Week, which means we’re forced to watch bakers sit around waiting for their dough to rise.
  9. Episode 2 Biscuit Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: The Cookie Crumbles It’s always baffling when bakers rely on techniques they can’t conquer.
  10. Episode 1 Cake Week
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Premiere Recap: Leave It to Beaver With a new co-host and a return to basics, our cozy baking show is back and delightful as ever.
  1. Episode 10 The Final
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Finale Recap: Hangin’ Tough After a great season of back-to-basics challenges, the producers concoct a doozy of a final showstopper.
  2. Episode 9 Patisserie Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Come What Entremets Georgie wants this so bad you can taste it like a fruit-shaped baked good.
  3. Episode 8 1970s Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Fancy a Shag? A season of carefully inoffensive theme weeks continues with a throwback to the 1970s.
  4. Episode 7 Dessert Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Just Desserts Like the episode itself, this recap makes as many dick jokes as possible.
  5. Episode 6 Autumn Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Pie in the Sky A forgettable theme allows the bakers to do what they do best: just baking really good cakes and pies.
  6. Episode 5 Pastry Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: How Do You Phyllo? Who cares if the bakes are good when the bakers are this delightful.
  7. Episode 4 Caramel Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Sticky Fingers It’s caramel week, which means lots of splitting, curdling, and burnt sugar in the tent.
  8. Episode 3 Bread Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Buns in the Oven Bread Week proves to be a triumph for the bakers and pun-loving hosts alike.
  9. Episode 2 Biscuit Week
    The Great British Baking Show Recap: Puppet Strings Attached There’s a lot of hardship this week between the medical emergencies and the near-impossible challenges.
  10. Episode 1 Cake Week
    The Great British Baking Show Season-Premiere Recap: Loaf Is in the Air An amusing cast, impressive loaves, and an unseasonably cold tent make for a delightful start to the season.

More on The Great British Baking Show

  1. spoilers
    Anatomy of a Great British Baking Show FlameoutAt what point should we start considering that the Hollywood Handshake is cursed?
  2. attention bakers
    The Great British Baking Show Needs a New JudgePaul and Prue are legends, sure, but their tastes have gotten a bit stodgy.
  3. now streaming
    The 41 Best Reality Shows on NetflixLove Is Blind, Formula 1: Drive to Survive, The Great British Baking Show, and more.
  4. eliminations
    Thanks for the Tears, Paul and PrueA heartbreaking Great British Baking Show decision underlines what an all-timer this season is.
  5. attention bakers
    The Great British Baking Show Boss Is ‘Very Interested’ in an All-Star SeasonDespite what Prue Leith says.
  6. my crystal ball
    Let’s Wildly Speculate About The Great British Bake Off (Based on No Baking)Who will win this season of GBBO? We’ve got no expertise but have lots of opinions.
  7. 25 days of reality
    The Great British Baking Show Cracked the Co-Host CodeIn her debut season as co-presenter, Alison Hammond proved herself a vital ingredient to the show’s success.
  8. no more mr. nice pie
    The Great British Baking Show Needs a VillainYes, it goes against everything this show stands for. But hear me out.
  9. trailer mix
    Baking Show Gets a Taste of the Great American ‘Melting Pot’Prue Leith and Paul Hollywood are on the other side of the pond, and they’re flipping burgers.
  10. scrummy
    Alison Hammond Joins The Great British Bake Off As Co-hostThe popular television personality replaces Matt Lucas.
  11. leaving the tent
    Matt Lucas Says He’s Too Busy to Keep Co-hosting The Great British Bake Off“I am cheerfully passing the baguette on to someone else,” he wrote.
  12. journeys
    Sue Perkins Got Shot, Got Down, and Got HighThe comedian discusses her new travel series, quitting Bake Off, and her psychedelic awakening.
  13. the great british baking no
    A Great British Bake Off Musical? Scrummy!Staging a musical adaptation of a low-stakes reality baking competition for the West End sounds like a technical challenge.
  14. holy ‘glockymolo’
    The Great British Bake Off’s Mexican Week Felt Like a Half-Baked IdeaAnd not just because of the many mispronunciations.
  15. ummm
    The Great British Bake Off’s Prue Leith Once Did What As a Child?According to her memoir, her mother once made her drown a bag of kittens.
  16. the great vulture predict off
    Predicting This Season of The Great British Bake Off (Based on a Cast Photo)We may not have all the information, but we do have one nice picture.
  17. sweet!
    Ellie Kemper and Zach Cherry to Co-host The Great American Baking ShowThe Bake Off spinoff premieres in 2023.
  18. pronti…cosante…cottura al forno!
    A Victory Chat With Giuseppe Dell’Anno, Great British Bake Off’s Michelangelo“I never felt that the other bakers were competitors. That said, I was convinced 100 percent that Jürgen was going to win from day one.”
  19. bereit! einstellen! backen!
    Jürgen Krauss Reflects, Cryptically, on His Great British Bake Off Elimination“I can’t say more about that.”
  20. fan theories
    Was This Season of Bake Off an Anti-Brexit Metaphor?The bakers who succeeded all hailed from a different Britain than the Brexit ideal, a multicultural nation of casual assimilation.
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