As it turns out, after it got off to a slow start, Knight and Day, last summer’s Tom Cruise–Cameron Diaz action flick, went on to became Fox’s biggest 2010 release, with a $262.3 million worldwide gross. People around the world were thought to be over Tom Cruise, and the film’s $76.4 million domestic gross was considered low for a summer action flick. But then, right beneath our noses: “The pic rallied overseas with $185.9 million in foreign grosses. While Fox’s Date Night and The A-Team did more domestic business, Knight and Day’s overseas gross placed it ahead of those films and demonstrates the value stars still have overseas. Of course, the studio’s biggest movie revenue source for 2010 was Avatar, but that film was released in 2009.” So, Tom Cruise, a huge movie star! Whaddya know? [Deadline]