Let’s play Good Week/Bad Week with the Weinstein brothers, shall we? Good Week: Harvey and Bob just won the Best Picture Oscar for The King’s Speech! Bad Week: They’re being sued for $54 million and accused of paying hush money to avoid bad press before that Oscar win. Behind the fraud accusation are filmmakers Brian Inerfeld and Tony Leech, who gave the Weinsteins a moneymaker with the 2005 cartoon Hoodwinked, but claim the Weinsteins sabotaged their follow-up, Escape From Planet Earth, by nodding off during meetings, paying Kevin Bacon not to be in the movie, and interrupting one screening when Harvey overturned a bowl of M&Ms and began eating them off the floor. The filmmakers also claim they were paid $500,000 in hush money to keep quiet until after the Oscars; maybe they’d like to compare notes with Michael Moore? [NYP]