NBC just commissioned a pilot episode of a potential series starring Craig Robinson and produced by The Office showrunner Greg Daniels, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The untitled show, which NBC began developing in October, stars Robinson as a musician adjusting to his new life as a middle school music teacher, as he deals with kids, other teachers, and single moms. Owen Ellickson, a new writer for The Office who previously worked on King of Queens and The Goode Family, wrote the script.
This is the second pilot producer Greg Daniels has sold this season after NBC bought a show about a bunch of 20something guys by Office writer Robert Padnick. We’re still waiting to hear back on the other three shows Daniels is producing, which have not been ordered to pilot yet. They are: an ABC show created by Parks and Rec’s Harris Wittels and starring The Office’s Brian Baumgartner, a father-son sitcom at NBC from Parks writer Alan Yang, and a Fox Tennis comedy. The Office is ending in May, but with any luck, Greg Daniels will have a new show (or two or three) on the air in the fall.