More tidbits from Taylor Swift’s much-discussed Vanity Fair cover story (not online): Swift has “a framed photograph of that moment at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards when Kayne West interrupted her” hanging in her home. Other home décor choices include “a six-foot topiary rabbit,” “antique birdcages everywhere,” and a “koi pond in the middle of the living room.”
As for the Golden Globes incident, it still reads like Swift was taking a veiled shot at Tina Fey and Amy Poehler — “when we were discussing that moment at the Golden Globes, and mean girls in general” is how writer Nancy Jo Sales introduces the “special place in hell” bit — but there is another quote that puts Swift’s humorlessness in better context. “I was just sort of like, Oh well, you know, I can laugh at myself,” she says of the Michael J. Fox joke. “But what it ended up adding to was this whole kind of everyone jumping on the bandwagon of ‘Taylor dates too much.’” Swift also points out that the same jokes don’t get made about her equally social ex-boyfriends. “They’re ‘playboys.’ They’re having fun.” That last part is true, though someone should point out to Swift that revenge liner notes do not exactly encourage a reasonable perspective on her private life. And blaming other women — however vaguely — for attention that she seeks out (and profits from) is not the best way to earn sympathy. She’s probably figured that out this week.