When Shia LaBeouf does a movie, Shia LaBeouf gives it his all. If a script calls for sex, he’s willing to have real sex. If it calls for drug use, he’s willing to do drugs. When discussing his work on Charlie Countryman, for example, he admitted to going on an acid trip for the role. (“There’s a way to do an acid trip like Harold & Kumar, and there’s a way to be on acid,” he said.) We appreciate the artistic integrity, only his character in the movie wasn’t actually on acid, he was on ecstasy. “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” said director Fredrik Bond, when we pointed out the discrepancy at a screening of the movie last night. “In the script, it’s Carpathian ecstasy, a special hostel ecstasy that exists in maybe just Bucharest … So, Shia said he took acid? I didn’t know he went out and said that. But it was always ecstasy in the script.” Did Bond know Shia was going to take Method acting this far? “No, he informed me that he was going to go out on a limb and push the envelope,” Bond said. “He said he wants to make this like they did in the seventies; he was like, ‘I want it to be like there’s a gun against my head.’” Must have been the acid talking.