
Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs Movie Begins Filming With Cast Full of People Who Haven’t Dropped Out Yet

Photo: John G. Mabanglo/Getty Images

Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs — a gigantic game of musical chairs that has seen David FincherLeonardo DiCaprioChristian Bale, and Sony all think differently about their involvement — started filming this week, which means it is now a lot harder for everyone in the cast to quit. Here is the official list of actors who managed to be sitting down when the music stopped: Michael Fassbender as Jobs, Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak, Jeff Daniels as Apple CEO John Sculley, Kate Winslet as Macintosh marketing chief Joanna Hoffman, Michael Stuhlbarg as developer Andy Hertzfeld, and Inherent Vice’s Katherine Waterston as Jobs’s girlfriend Chrisann Brennan. Universal also revealed that the last of the film’s three long scenes will take place in 1998, at the Apple product launch that introduced the iMac. Go get those royalty checks, New Radicals.

Sorkin’s Steve Jobs Finalizes Its Cast