Elusive graffiti artist Banksy interviewed acclaimed rap duo Run the Jewels for The Guardian. The duo, comprising El-P and Killer Mike, is slated to perform at Dismaland, Banksy’s art exhibition housed within a derelict, dystopian theme park in Weston-super-Mare, England. It’s billed as “The UK’s most disappointing new visitor attraction.”
The clip of your speech at Ferguson after the verdict [when the jury decided not to charge officer Darren Wilson for the death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown] made me cry. When did you last cry watching YouTube?
KM The last time YouTube made me cry was watching Dr John Henrik Clarke speak about Marcus Garvey. I was overwhelmed with pain for a great man that was abused and mistreated because he wanted to better the state of blacks globally. It is scary to think a system exists that wishes not to see all people live with human dignity and respect. I did, however, finish feeling encouraged that day will come.
EL-P When the two guys raised the lion and then set the lion free but they missed the lion and they visited it in Africa and the lion was now king of his tribe and had a wife and children but he recognised the two guys and ran up and hugged them and licked their faces. I wept like a baby.
Banksy also asked if Kanye West is the greatest rock star in the world, as Kanye recently proclaimed. Both rappers agreed wholeheartedly, with Killer Mike adding, “Kanye is amazing and may be the greatest rock star in the world, but Rihanna is the new Tupac (in feminist form), and as much as I love rock, ain’t nobody do it like Pac! Ri-Ri rules in my book.”
The brochure for Dismaland, via Colossal, explains the exhibition thusly:
Are you looking for an alternative to the soulless sugar-coated banality of the average family day out? Or just somewhere cheaper. Then this is the place for you — a chaotic new world where you can escape from mindless escapism. Instead of a burger stall, we have a museum. In place of a gift shop we have a library, well, we have a gift shop as well.
Bring the whole family to come and enjoy the latest addition to our chronic leisure surplus — a bemusement park. A theme park who’s big theme is: theme parks should have bigger themes …
This event contains adult themes, distressing imagery, extended use of strobe lighting, smoke effects and swearing. The following items are strictly prohibited: knives, spraycans, illegal drugs, and lawyers from the Walt Disney corporation.
Run the Jewels perform at Dismaland on September 4. Other performers include Savages (September 18), Pussy Riot, and Massive Attack (September 25).