First Bryan Cranston lent the Power Rangers movie some dramatic heft, and now Bill Hader is here for comedic relief — you know, more than the kind inherent in a bunch of hyped-up teens doing martial arts in chrome duds. Hader will bring his singular oeuvre of weirdo voices to the role of Alpha 5, the Power Rangers’ robot sidekick. Hader’s casting was revealed by the movie’s official Twitter account, which posted: “Aye-yi-yi! Welcome #BillHader as #Alpha5 to the #PowerRangersMovie - Coming in 2017!” For those who didn’t spent the ‘90s watching spandex-clad teenagers fight the forces of evil, “aye-yi-yi” is Alpha 5’s catchphrase and not a crisis of faith had by the production about its casting choice. This is the second franchise Hader is gracing with his robot-voice expertise, having served as a “vocal consultant” to the heart-twisting beeps and boops of BB-8 in The Force Awakens. Honestly, we don’t know why this post continued past the information that Bill Hader will say “aye-yi-yi” in a movie, because that sound is pulsing above all others in our brain streams anyway.