What with the absolutely polite reception Stephen Colbert got while hosting the 2006 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, eviscerating George W. Bush in the process, of course he’s jumping to do it again. Speaking at a fundraiser for the Montclair Film Festival, Colbert told the crowd “it would be an honor” to host Donald Trump’s first supper with some of his favorite people. “I’d love to do it. I mean, when else are you going to stand next to the president and make jokes?” he explained. Of course, Colbert may have found a slight dash in his dream: After that first go-round, “no one will ever ask again.” Right, darn. Okay, so maybe Donald Trump wouldn’t want to get chummy with Stephen Colbert, liberal host of The Late Show, but that hardly means the cause is dead in the water. What about “Stephen Colbert”? Or, failing that, his identical twin cousin “Stephen Colbert”? See? Swimming in options. The only real question is if SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch will be a successor to Antonin Scalia in all things.