What do you know! Donald Jr. isn’t the only one in President Trump’s inner circle showing off a sense of humor these days. Holding court at his press briefing on Friday afternoon, Sean Spicer was finally able to crack a joke about Melissa McCarthy’s instantly classic impression of him on Saturday Night Live — one that Trump was reportedly extremely displeased by for interesting reasons, mind you — with “Spicey” offering the following retort when asked by a reporter about inaccuracies regarding Trump’s recent jobs report: “Don’t make me make the podium move.” (Better than a Super Soaker, we guess.) Spicer’s quip about the impression doesn’t come as a total surprise as he had already expressed admiration for McCarthy in the role, noting, however, that she could “dial it back” a little, particularly with the gum-chewing. Still, ha ha. A full-circle joke!