There are any number of people with good reason to feel slighted by Hollywood in terms of representation, but not perhaps white, straight, male people like Chris Pratt. Pratt had suggested otherwise in a recent interview with Men’s Fitness, telling the magazine, “I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories … The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.” God bless the teachable Andy Dwyer buried deep within though, because after further consideration, Pratt isn’t holding fast to that view. Instead, he admits that lamenting the onscreen bandwidth given to people like him was a bozo move. “That was actually a pretty stupid thing to say. I’ll own that. There’s a ton of movies about blue collar America,” Pratt tweeted. In terms of socially conscious Hollywood Chrises, Pratt remains in Evans’s wake, but better late than never, Chris.