Scaramooch, Scaramooch, will indeed do the producing fandango. Per astute Saturday evening cable television viewers and the New York Times, the Mooch served as one of the executive producers for the well-received HBO film Paterno, which stars Al Pacino as the disgraced former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno. “I just gave them the dough,” Mooci, who bought the rights to a book about the saga a few years ago with his producing partner Edward R. Pressman, explained. “What’d you think of the movie? It was great.” We at Vulture agree — it was pretty great! We will never slander the name of Pacino, a noted Sicilian dreamboat! As for whether the Mooch will continue to put down roots in Hollywood, that’s to be determined, although he already has a good amount of producing credits on his résumé. Just never ask him to dabble in reality television, no matter how perfect it could be.