Will the world finally start giving Amy Adams the respect she deserves? Hopefully, with the actress’s latest film project The Woman in the Window being given an awards-season release date, the star can finally land her long-overdue first Academy Award. The film is based on the best-selling novel by AJ Finn and stars Adams as Anna Fox, an agoraphobic child psychiatrist who witnesses a crime at a neighbor’s home through a window. Fox has now set a release date for the film of October 4, 2019, just in time for Oscars season.
For those of you blissfully unaware, Amy Adams is one of the most nominated actresses who has never won. Remember how everyone was upset for Leonardo Dicaprio because he had five nominations and no Oscar, but then he fought a bear and won on his sixth try? Well, Adams also has five nominations and no Oscars, and well, her sixth try didn’t even get her nominated. This is a crime and we have to demand justice. Honestly, did you even see Enchanted? And Doubt? Come on. And did you hear they basically didn’t even pay her (as much) for American Hustle? Or how she’s an actual hero? Or that she’s admired by Cate Blanchett? Cate. Blanchett. Look, the point is, we owe Amy Adams. We just do. And there aren’t a lot of injustices in the world we can fix right now but maybe, just maybe, in 2020 we can finally make this right. At the Oscars, at least.