who is america

Nathan Fielder Wrote and Directed a Who Is America? Prank

Nathan Fielder. Photo: YouTube

Nathan for You mastermind Nathan Fielder received a consulting producer credit in the premiere episode of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America?, but his involvement went up a notch in week two. Fielder is listed as a writer, director, and consulting producer for the second episode, though it’s unknown which part he had a hand in creating. Between Dick Cheney’s torture interview, Corinne Olympios’s pro-child soldier PSA, Georgia state representative Jason Spencer’s (hopefully) career-ending appearance, and the Arizona mosque focus group, the episode was filled with plenty of segments that might have benefitted from Fielder’s prank expertise.

Two out of seven Who Is America? episodes have aired so far, and aside from the addition of Fielder this week, the writing staff has remained the same. It’s a mix of British and American comedy writers from Borat, The Daily Show, Eagleheart, and Nathan for You, among other series. Here’s the current list:

• Sacha Baron Cohen

• Nathan Fielder

• Anthony Hines

• Dan Swimer

• Dan Mazer

• Lee Kern

• Adam Lowitt

• Brian Reich

Kurt Metzger

• Eric Notarnicola

• Aaron Geary

Showtime has been tight-lipped when it comes to the writing staff, which has already been criticized for featuring no women so far and including Kurt Metzger, who has a history of harassing women and who defended an Upright Citizens Brigade comedian accused of rape by multiple women. We will update the above list if new writers are credited throughout the season.

Nathan Fielder Wrote and Directed a Who Is America? Prank