Fans are sharing their favorite Brody Stevens clips and stories following the comedian’s death. This is normal when people mourn an entertainer. But it’s not normal for those fans to be multinational media conglomerates or Dick Van Fucking Dyke. Van Dyke shared a story of seeing Stevens, his wife’s favorite comedian. “He didn’t seem to have an act, but he was overflowing with a distinct personality and unique delivery that you couldn’t help but laugh,” he wrote on Facebook. “On this particular evening he seemed to be ‘bombing’ or was he? I’ve never seen someone ‘bomb’ so brilliantly. I’ll never forget him pleading with the crowd ‘Work with me people!! I have jokes!’ ”
Comedy Central also took some of their favorite Stevens moments out from behind the paywall. His full half-hour is on YouTube, as is his set on The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail.
Kevin Porter shared a video of Stevens closing the final Comedy Bang Bang show at UCB. He drums along to “So Here We Are” by Bloc Party, and insists that the audience clap along. “He ended up breaking one of those drumsticks and I still have it,” wrote fan Jordan Anderson. “I will hold it a little closer going forward.” Stevens was always very physical in his comedy, incorporating high kicks, drumming, and his former baseball career into his work.
That’s Zach Galifinakis behind the catcher’s mask. He produced the Brody Stevens vehicle, Enjoy It! The show not only portrayed his struggles with mental illness, but his impeccable Southern accent.