Blue’s Clues is back. Dora the Explorer is a movie. Kate McKinnon voices Ms. Frizzle on Netflix’s The Magic School Bus. And now, Apple is rebooting the greatest show about notebooks. Apple TV+, alongside cornering the market on 19th century authors, is bringing back a beloved children’s show, Ghostwriter. For those of you who didn’t spend half an hour a week solving mysteries along with the characters, Ghostwriter is about a group of neighborhood kids from Brooklyn who solve crimes with the help of a ghost named Ghostwriter. Simple! Ghostwriter manipulates nearby text to form words and sentences, but can’t be seen or hear anything. Sounds spooky, but unlike Are You Afraid of the Dark?’s reboot, you’ll walk away with new writing skills rather than recurring nightmares.
In the reinvented version, four kids are “brought together by a mysterious ghost in a neighborhood bookstore, and must team up to release fictional characters from works of literature,” according a release from Apple. The original Ghostwriter was produced by the Children’s Television Workshop, which has since become Sesame Workshop. Apple TV+ reached an agreement with the nonprofit educational organization behind, you guessed it, Sesame Street earlier this year. Ghostwriter is just one show in their upcoming slate of children’s programming. Ghostwriter premieres with the app’s launch on November 1, so keep an eye out for erudite ghosts rearranging your notes to say “Apple TV+ is only $4.99 a month.”