Someone tell Kate McKinnon to get to work on next week’s cold open. According to Donald Trump, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm co-star Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. On the afternoon of December 6, the president tweeted that the former mayor of New York City and current proponent of the “election fraud” conspiracy “has tested positive for the China Virus,” which is Trump’s xenophobic pet name for the disease that has killed over 280,000 Americans under his administration to date.
Giuliani, who had something like sixth billing to Borat earlier this year and who put cultural icon Four Seasons Total Landscaping on the map, has traveled to many states within the last week on business as Trump’s lawyer, the Washington Post points out. In many of his public appearances from the past week, Giuliani was seen not wearing a mask. Giuliani has not yet released a statement about the diagnosis.