In honor of the Val Kilmer documentary Val, Cher has taken it upon herself to reflect on her relationship with the man in a story for People. It is a very lovely little meditation on dating the actor and then becoming his lifelong friend, and the fact that they called each other “Valus Maximus and Cherus Reprimandus” around the house. (Cute!) It also contains this little anecdote about a time when Kilmer was sick that swerves in a direction you truly cannot predict:
He was at my house a lot of the time he was sick. He was brave the whole time. I saw how sick he was. Once when the paramedics showed up after he was so sick and coughing up blood, he looked at me and I looked at him and we both knew what we were thinking. Because those guys are so handsome. When one of those paramedics comes to your house, you just know you’re going to see somebody who’s really cute.
In the next paragraph, Cher suddenly just starts talking about the documentary Val. She does not follow up on what happened when the paramedics arrived, what was causing Val to cough up blood, how they had this psychic connection, or even if the paramedics that did show up were, in fact, cute. Cher trusts us to leave that all to the imagination.