“OMG. HOLY SHIT,” the gay person writing this blog wrote quickly, suddenly, and in all caps to the infamous “Vulture Music” Slack channel. You’re asking, “Why?” Well, girl, in what might be the best news to emerge from Pride Month 2022 thus far, emo-punk icon Avril Lavigne released an expanded, 20th-anniversary edition of her 2002 debut album Let Go with a recording of Kelly Clarkson’s hit song “Breakaway.” Yes, you read that entire, probably too-long sentence correctly. (And it’s only June 3!) The song was originally written by Lavigne for Let Go but got cut — later becoming known as one of Clarkson’s most herstoric tracks to date. It even reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, thanks in part to Princess Diaries 2. Anne Hathaway, we love your work. Now all we need is a Kelly-Avril duet. Punks, listen below.