Sorry, sweeties (Suite-es?), but it was never that serious. Paris Hilton has addressed the parts of the internet that have been excitedly pointing out that her newborn daughter shares a first name with everyone’s favorite Suite Life of Zack & Cody heiress. “Yes, I’ve seen all of the memes, all the viral TikToks,” Hilton told E! News. “Everyone’s like ‘Oh my God, she named her daughter London Tipton. This is so iconic.’” But is there actually a connection there? “I love London Tipton — I was so flattered when I heard that her character was based on me,” Hilton said, “but I didn’t name my daughter after her.” Instead, Hilton explained that she just likes the city of London, and has wanted to have a daughter with that name for as long as she can remember. Incidentally, Hilton’s son is named Phoenix. She told E! News that she plans to keep the geographical pattern going — in fact, she’s already considering Sydney, Rio, and Vegas as options for her next baby’s name. Might we also suggest the Spotify sound towns of Burlington, Berkeley, and Cambridge? It turns out there are a lot of people who are sliving for those places.