Richard Lewis, stand-up comedian extraordinaire and veteran comedic actor, died of a heart attack in his Los Angeles home on Tuesday, February 27. News of his death broke Wednesday, and social media quickly filled with tributes. Lewis was known for his wit but also his warmth and care for fellow comics. Former Simpsons showrunner Mike Scully wrote on Twitter about meeting Lewis at the Improv and saying he was a fan. Lewis thanked him and asked if he was also a comic. When Scully demurred and said he only did open mics, Lewis insisted that anyone who goes onstage and tells jokes is a comic. “He could’ve just said thanks and left,” Scully wrote. “Never forgot it.”
Lewis’s Curb Your Enthusiasm co-star gave a statement on his friend to Variety: “Richard and I were born three days apart in the same hospital and for most of my life he’s been like a brother to me. He had that rare combination of being the funniest person and also the sweetest. But today he made me sob and for that I’ll never forgive him.” Albert Brooks called Lewis “a brilliantly funny man” and a person the “world needed now more than ever.” Comedian Paula Poundstone posted a photo of her with Lewis and Robin Williams. Jimmy Fallon devoted a segment of The Tonight Show to his memory and recommended everyone go watch his special, I’m Doomed. Below are more tributes to Richard Lewis, including ones from George Wallace, Mel Brooks, and Jimmy Pardo.