Cover Story Archive

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Cover Story Archive

June 13, 2011
In the O.R. for Life-Changing SurgeryReducing the Size of a Stomach

Julio Teixeira on performing weight-reduction surgery.

June 13, 2011
In the O.R. for Life-Changing SurgeryCorrecting a Curved Spine

Michael Vitale on correcting a teenager’s curved spine.

June 13, 2011
In the O.R. for Life-Changing SurgeryAmputating a Leg

Timothy B. Rapp on amputating a leg.

June 6, 2011
A Serial Killer in Common

Five prostitutes disappear. Bodies turn up on a beach. Now the families of the victims have formed a kind of sisterhood. They ask: Who murdered my daughter? Who was my sister�really?

May 30, 2011
The Elephant in the Green Room

The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something more important: the next election.

May 23, 2011
Who’s Running the Show?

In the age of creator as star, plenty of people know exactly who.

May 23, 2011
From Script to Show

Every year, thousands of ideas are pitched to the four big networks. This season, they bought the 429 scripts listed below. The ones that are highlighted became pilots. And this week, we’ll find out which lucky few have earned slots on the air.

May 23, 2011
Emily Nussbaum on the New Interactive Showrunner

�You don’t have to love the work of every showrunner to see what they have in common: When you watch their shows, you know who set their stamp on it.�

May 23, 2011
The Zombies at AMC’s Doorstep

Can the Mad Men network survive its own success?

May 23, 2011
Babe in the Woods

Glee’s Chris Colfer has his day in New York.