Cover Story Archive

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Cover Story Archive

May 23, 2011
And I Should Know

Roseanne Barr was a sitcom star, a creator and a product, the agitator and the abused, a domestic goddess and a feminist pioneer. That was twenty years ago. But as far as she’s concerned, not much has changed.

May 23, 2011
Welcome to Her Island

Amy Poehler not only delivered some of the season’s best TV, she is a shameless consumer of it.

May 23, 2011
One-Man Show

No, really. Profane comic Louis C.K.’s unique experiment in television making.

May 16, 2011
Paper Tigers

What happens to all the Asian-American overachievers when the test-taking ends?

May 9, 2011
Home, Shopping, Network

David Biscaye’s apartment doesn’t just look like an antiques store. It practically is one.

May 9, 2011
Paper Planes

Wallpaper as a getaway.

May 9, 2011
I Yarn-Bombed This

An insatiable crocheter makes sweaters for bikes, teapots, and entire apartments.

May 9, 2011
Home Design Spring 2011: Extreme Décor

Six spaces, six obsessions.

May 9, 2011
�I Decorate As If I Owned a Child�

When you’re Amy Sedaris, you don’t need a baby to furnish a nursery.

May 9, 2011
If Marie Antoinette Took the A Train

A Rockaways retreat where a queen might feel at home.