Warner Bros - Vulture
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Warner Bros.

  1. harry potter
    Harry Potter Script Left in Pub, Dutifully Returned to Warner Bros.’The Sun’ obtained the script before delivering it to the studio.
  2. arrrr!
    Our Application for the Warner Bros.’ New ‘Anti-Piracy Intern’ Position“Now I’ve got the chance to be Neo and Mr. Smith at the same time!”
  3. piracy
    Piracy Spy WantedThe London branch of Warner Bros. Entertainment is looking for a student to spy on file-sharers.
  4. the industry
    Zac Efron Graduates From High SchoolPlus: Ed Harris signs on for WWE film.
  5. the industry
    Damon and Affleck Reteam as ProducersA formal announcement, with a possible first-look production deal at Warner Bros., is expected as early as the end of this week.
  6. twittertracker
    Kevin Smith Responds!Apparently, Smith doesn’t like his name included in TV ads.
  7. the industry
    Warner Bros. Wins a Bidding War for a Teen Ocean’s 11They’ll adapt ‘Heist Society’ by Ally Carter, who has a huge teen-girl following.
  8. 3-d
    Clash Gets 3-D TreatmentIf we learned anything from ‘Avatar,’ it’s that no one wants to see Sam Worthington in two stupid dimensions.
  9. penguins
    Warner Bros. Politely Yet Firmly Tells Brittany Murphy’s Husband to Go Fly a KiteThe studio says that they never had a deal with Murphy to reprise her role in ‘Happy Feet II.’
  10. penguins
    Brittany Murphy’s Husband Plans To Sue Warner Bros.Simon Monjack also wants you to know that he’s very smart and independently wealthy. So there!
  11. 3-d
    Look Out! Harry Potter’s Wand Will Be in 3-DThat’s right. Harry Potter is going 3D.
  12. 3-d
    Will Warner Bros. Upgrade Clash of the Titans to 3-D?Let’s hope not!
  13. the industry
    Bryan Cranston Is on His Way to MarsPlus: Leonardo DiCaprio is headed to space, too!
  14. sarsgaards
    Peter Sarsgaard to Make Trouble for Green LanternPeter Sarsgaard is reportedly in talks with Warner Bros. to play the villain opposite Ryan Reynold’s Green Lantern.
  15. the industry
    Blake Lively to Turn on the Green LanternPlus: Channing Tatum! Antonio Banderas! Frances McDormand!
  16. netflixpocalypse
    Netflix to Make You Wait a Month for New Warner Bros. MoviesGiven Hollywood’s allergy to all things easy, cheap, and convenient, you probably figured this was coming.
  17. reboots
    Why Is the Thundercats Movie Not Happening?Has Hollywood finally learned restraint?
  18. the industry
    Nicole Richie to Play a Sitcom Version of Nicole RichiePlus: Tom Cavanagh! ‘True Blood’! Cartoons!
  19. the industry
    Lady Gaga Meets Gossip GirlPlus: Justin Timberlake! Bradley Cooper! The new ‘Daily Show’!
  20. the industry
    Rob Corddry Moving His Unconventional Family to a Weird WorldPlus: Chow Yun-fat! Vampires! Korean gangsters!
  21. the industry
    Samuel L. Jackson Kills Congressman for CBSPlus: Wilmer Valderrama! Monsters! Dashed dreams!
  22. the industry
    Will Ferrell to Make a Scene on the Front LawnPlus: M. Night Shyamalan! Ian Somerhalder! Demons!
  23. rebranding
    DC Comics Gets New Name, New President, Fancy Press ReleaseWB today announced the restructuring and rebranding of DC Comics as DC Entertainment Inc.
  24. trailer mix
    Inception Trailer: Dancing on the CeilingSee the trailer for Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ follow-up.
  25. the industry
    Hill, Segel, and Schwartzman to Follow the HandbookPlus: Jennifer Aniston goes to prison.
  26. delays
    The Box Possibly Coming in November, MaybeIf it gets one more release date, it will basically qualify as a rap album.
  27. wild things
    Maurice Sendak Swears Wild Things Movie Will Be OkaySays Sendak: “What I’ve seen [Spike Jonze] do is, he’s turned it into his without giving up mine … He’s touched me very much.”
  28. aquaman
    An Aquaman Movie: Could It Happen?Yes, apparently!
  29. harry potter
    So Why Is the New Harry Potter Movie Rated PG, Anyway?“Scary images, some violence, language, and mild sensuality” — ha!
  30. green lantern
    Sorry, JT!Ryan Reynolds beats out Bradley Cooper and Justin Timberlake.
  31. jt
    Will Justin Timberlake Wear the Power Ring?Justin Timberlake is being considered by Warner Bros. to play Hal Jordan in next December’s Green Lantern movie. Yes, this is a bad idea.
  32. parental guidance suggested
    Where the Wild Things Are Gets a PG RatingGuess this means we won’t be seeing any of the Wild Things’ wangs.
  33. moneyballs
    So How Bad Was Soderbergh’s Revised Moneyball Script?Three studios agree: bad!
  34. wild things
    Where the Wild Things Are DVD to Feature No Shortage of Bonus MaterialKaren O says she’s seen it “13, 14 times, but like 12 different versions of it.”
  35. hotel coral essex
    Yes, Those Naughty Photos Will Remain in End Credits of The Hangover“Yes, there is only one version of the film and what you saw will be in theaters when it opens on Friday.”
  36. hotel coral essex
    Did We Really See What We Think We Saw During the End Credits of The Hangover?If we did, the MPAA must’ve been asleep at the wheel.
  37. great expectations
    Everyone Has High Hopes for the Underdog Comedy The HangoverAll that’s left for the team behind ‘The Hangover’ to do is wait and see if people show up.
  38. trailer mix
    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer: Parental Guidance SuggestedDeath Eaters! Fire! Noseless Ralph Fiennes! How many small, parental-guardianless children will this movie irreversibly scar this summer?
  39. old-man babies
    Is Benjamin Button Going Bollywood?If so, we certainly hope they fix the Old-Baby Man issues!
  40. terrifying realizations
    Where the Wild Watchmen Are?The trailers of these two films have some eerie similarities.
  41. zack snyder
    Will Warner Bros. Let Zack Snyder Burn Another $100 Million?Following stinky box office for ‘Watchmen,’ who knows!
  42. recouping
    Will Watchmen’s Mediocre Box Office Have an Effect on Terminator Salvation’s Proposed R Rating?Heck if we know!
  43. leaks
    Warner Bros. Could Really Capitalize on the Leak of Watchmen’s Opening-Credits SequenceFrankly, it’s the best marketing tool they have available to them at this point.
  44. dicks
    Why Can’t Kevin Smith Have a Provocatively Titled Movie?First, there was the not-at-all-intentional uproar over ‘Zack and Miri Make a Porno,’ and now Warner Bros. is making Kevin Smith change another stupid title.
  45. smoking
    The American Medical Association Just Not That Into Being ReasonableThe AMA is upset over the appearance of a box of cigarettes in ‘He’s Just Not That Into You.’
  46. harry potter
    Daniel Radcliffe to Be Unemployed in 2011The last-ever Harry Potter movie will open on July 15, 2011!
  47. corrections
    Warner Says No Sherlock ReshootsThe studio has released a statement further refuting yesterday’s report that it had asked Guy Ritchie for reshoots.
  48. backlash
    What’s the Matter With Watchmen?What will be the movie’s growly Batman voice?
  49. bummers
    Warner Bros. Slashes 800 JobsIt’s not all ice cream and kittens today.
  50. watchmen
    Fox Settles With Warner Bros. for Lucrative Cut of Watchmen 2 GrossRelax, nerds — ‘Watchmen’ will be out on March 6, as planned.
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