The Beatles - Vulture
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The Beatles

  1. scene report
    What I Saw Camped Out for Paul McCartney’s Secret ShowsAttempted bribery, vehicular mishaps, and tears ensued. But nothing was as bad as a Ticketmaster queue.
  2. meet 25 percent of the beatles!
    Our Sweet Lord?We really want to see you, Joseph Quinn as George Harrison.
  3. grammys 2025
    The Snubs and Surprises of the 2025 Grammy NominationsBeyoncé is finally country enough — but got abandoned in R&B.
  4. rip
    Mitzi Gaynor, Star of South Pacific, Dead at 93“She truly enjoyed every moment of her professional career and the great privilege of being an entertainer.”
  5. coming soon
    The Waving Beatles
    Martin Scorsese Is Producing a New Beatles DocumentaryBeatles ’64 will come to Disney+ November 29, just in time for noncontroversial family viewing during the holidays.
  6. cast away
    Let It Be (Hot Actors As the Beatles)If people thought they were sexy in 1963, then their onscreen counterparts should be too.
  7. chat room
    Nick Valensi Is Ready to Join the All-Starr BandThe Strokes guitarist on his unlikely collaboration with Ringo Starr: “Holy shit.”
  8. rock and roll hall of fame
    Every Artist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Ranked From Best to WorstFrom Chuck Berry to Cher.
  9. respect the classics
    The Beatles’ Let It Be Film No Longer Finds Itself in Times of TroubleThe documentary, newly restored by Peter Jackson, hits Disney+ on May 8.
  10. legends only
    Glastonbury Festival 2022 - Day Four
    Paul McCartney, Wriiter of ‘Blackbird,’ Approves of ‘Blackbiird’It’s “fab.”
  11. a bad idea worth considering
    The Beatles
    Release the Beatles Jerk-off CutCan’t beat a Beatles beat-off.
  12. coming soon
    Interchangeable British Actors Get Four Chances to Star in a Beatles MovieSam Mendes is going four-for-four on Beatles biopics.
  13. bonkers
    The Beatles Have No. 1 Songs Both Now (2023) and Then (1963)It’s all because of you.
  14. videology
    Yeah, the Beatles’ ‘Now and Then’ Music Video Sure Is WeirdIt might make you nostalgic for the dud Sgt. Pepper’s movie.
  15. vulture lists
    All 214 Beatles Songs, Ranked From Worst to BestWe had to count them all.
  16. respect the classics
    The Beatles Got Back to Work on a Final Song‘Now and Then’ is out now.
  17. vulture lists
    The 14 Best Unreleased Beatles SongsIncredibly, there’s still great music by the Fab Four that hasn’t seen the light of day.
  18. my single is dropping
    Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr Link Up for Dolly Parton’s ‘Let It Be’The rerecording also features Peter Frampton and Mick Fleetwood.
  19. superlatives
    Ringo Starr on His Joyous Eras With the Beatles, All-Starr Band, and Beyond“With those three boys, we were psychic.”
  20. not letting it be
    Paul McCartney Used AI to Get Back John Lennon’s VoiceA new Beatles record? Your fave is quaking.
  21. respect the classics
    Everyone Wants to Rock With Dolly PartonRockstar features Ringo and Paul, Elton John, Stevie Nicks, Lizzo, Miley Cyrus, and dozens more.
  22. on the record
    Sam Claflin Doesn’t Know His Hey Judes From His Lucies in the SkyHe keeps reminding us he and the Beatles had never “Come Together” before Daisy Jones & the Six.
  23. screen time
    How Peter Jackson Broke Up the BeatlesAnd used AI to make Revolver better than ever.
  24. vulture lists
    What If Every Movie Was Named After a Beatles Song?An attempt to rename every movie I could think of with a new title drawn from the work of John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
  25. respect the classics
    Ringo and His All-Starr Friends Join George Harrison’s ‘My Sweet Lord’ VideoA lovely commemoration of All Things Must Pass turning 50.
  26. help!
    What to Read, Watch, or Listen to After Binging Get BackRecommendations for every kind of Beatles fan.
  27. respect the classics
    Mal Evans, Get Back’s Lovable Anvil King, Will Have His Archives PublishedThe Beatles’ road manager died under tragic circumstances in 1976.
  28. tl;dw
    12 Get Back Moments You Need to Know to Act Like You Watched the Whole ThingGet back … your time with this handy cheat sheet.
  29. switched on pop
    How Many Let It Be Reissues Does It Take for the Beatles to Get the Vibe Right?Fifty years and two documentaries later, it looks like the answer is “at least four.”
  30. the long and winding show
    The Beatles: Get Back Is Too Long, But It Has to BeWhat may at first seem like a major bug in Peter Jackson’s new docuseries is actually its greatest feature — and a gift.
  31. tv review
    Peter Jackson’s The Beatles: Get Back Accomplishes the UnthinkableIt rises to the unenviable task of offering new insights into one of the most documented music careers of all time.
  32. fashion du jour
    The 24 Best Get Back Fits, RankedGeorge Harrison’s turtlenecks, Ringo Starr’s shirts, and everyone’s coats.
  33. meme machine
    Best The Beatles: Get Back Memes: Pretend Brits, George Getting Upset“I need to break up the Beatles.”
  34. stan the beatles
    Beatles Biopic Reveals Cast Including Queen’s Gambit Jacob Fortune-LloydSTREAM #LOVEMEDO
  35. fan casting
    The Beatles Lord of the Rings Movie That Could Have BeenJohn Lennon *is* Gollum.
  36. rock hall 2021
    The Foo Fighters Bring Back ‘Super Jams’ to Rock Hall 2021Grohl was joined by his music-career twin, Paul McCartney.
  37. rock hall 2021
    Paul McCartney Inducts His Beautiful Stalker, Dave Grohl, Into the Rock Hall“We had a great time with our groups, but then eventually tragedy happened.”
  38. disrespect the classics
    Paul McCartney Reviews the Rolling Stones: ‘Blues Cover Band’“I’m not sure I should say it, but.”
  39. trailer mix
    Jojo Was a Man Who Thought He Watched The Beatles: Get Back Trailer“It’s going to be such a comical thing like in 50 years’ time. They broke up because Yoko sat on an amp.”
  40. celebrity divorces
    Paul McCartney Says John Lennon Broke Up the Beatles“Stop right there. I am not the person who instigated the split. Oh no, no, no.”
  41. the streaming wars
    Beatles Documentary Get Back to Come Together on Disney+ in NovemberIt’s six-plus hours of footage.
  42. last night on late night
    Ringo Starr Has a Galaxy-Brained Theory About Cows“The molecules are so big.”
  43. children’s books
    Paul McCartney Is Trying to Make ‘Green Submarine’ HappenIt’s a children’s book, but still.
  44. chat room
    Just Rambling About Love With Ringo StarrThe Beatles legend on his friendships, “sliding doors” moments, and how his life’s been one big beautiful mystery.
  45. respect the classics
    Paul McCartney Wrote a 900-Page Memoir About His LyricsIt’ll cover his Beatles, Wings, and solo songs.
  46. roll clip!
    Step Forward and Watch This Sneak Peek of The Beatles: Get BackPeter Jackson unveiled five minutes of cheery footage, giving us a sense of “the spirit of the film.”
  47. my single is dropping
    Ringo Starr’s New Quarantine Music Is a Gathering of Over 10 You Can Support“Here’s to the Nights” features Paul McCartney, Joe Walsh, Dave Grohl, and a cute video diary.
  48. happy holidays
    It’s No Cats, But Idris Elba’s Paul McCartney Holiday Special Sounds PurrrfectNo tap-dancing and zero Judi Dench, but Idris is still committed to delivering a gift to you this Christmas.
  49. the industry
    Ethan Hawke and Daughter Maya to Bring Beatlemania to AlaskaIn the coming-of-age film Revolver.
  50. respect the classics
    Even Paul McCartney Has Made a Quarantine AlbumMcCartney III is out December 11.
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