trailer mix

Pretend It’s a City Trailer: Martin Scorsese Presents Fran Lebowitz’s New York

Fran Lebowitz is walkin’ here! And Martin Scorsese is following closely behind with a camera. Go on a tour of (pre-COVID) New York, led by the always opinionated Lebowitz in the trailer of Pretend It’s a City, a new Netflix documentary following the essayist and native New Yorker. Part interview, part walk-and-talk, she gives her $2 and 75 cents about issues that have plagued New Yorkers for decades, like the subway system for one, and her own very specific complaints, like there being a Strand Book Store stand in the middle of Times Square. “Do you think it’s fair to bring a book into Times Square?” she accosts the cashier. “It’s not fair to the books.” Basically, it’s like grabbing a drink and then going for a stroll, a dearly missed pre-pandemic pastime. Now, we have to get it through Netflix. Directed by Scorsese, who previously directed Lebowitz’s 2010 HBO docuseries Public Speaking, Pretend It’s a City joins The Irishman on Netflix on January 8.

Pretend It’s a City Trailer: Fran Lebowitz Takes New York