
Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: February 24, 2025

Sophie Turner, a Pisces. Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images

Today, the moon moves through serious Capricorn. This tends not to be the easiest of transits, but it can be a productive and clarifying one, especially as the moon connects with practical Saturn this morning: Right now, you can trust that your judgment is sound. In the afternoon, Uranus enters the picture to keep things from getting too boring; don’t be afraid to change your plans if an unexpected opportunity comes your way.

Aries Daily Horoscope

There are times when you genuinely don’t know how to get what you want. Often, though, deep down you know exactly what to do — you just don’t want to do it. You keep turning the problem over in your head, analyzing it, asking around for advice in the hopes that you’ll find a way forward that’s not so disruptive to your life. Today, you may as well accept that sometimes you’ve got to take the difficult path, so stop hemming and hawing.

Taurus Daily Horoscope

Sometimes, the only way to find out how much you can truly handle is to overshoot the mark. You can’t know for sure what your limits are until you push past them; if you’re always operating out of fear of failure, you’ll never know how much you could achieve. Today, don’t be scared to take risks. If you realize you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, you can always lessen your load — but you may also discover that you’ve been selling yourself short all along and that you’re capable of much more than you thought.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Although you’re clear and communicative on most subjects, you sometimes struggle to express your feelings. Our emotions can be confusing and hard to pin down, so you’ll settle for vague language, hoping at least some of your meaning comes across. Today, make an effort to be more specific, even if it’s difficult. If you’re upset or you need something you’re not getting, say so. Your friends will do their best to understand, even if you can’t describe the feeling perfectly.

Cancer Daily Horoscope

You’re thoughtful and self-reflective, and you know yourself better than anybody else does. Even so, you don’t see yourself with perfect clarity — you have your biases and limitations, just like everyone. So today, if you’re struggling to make a decision, don’t push through the confusion alone. Ask the people you trust what they would do in your place. You’re under no obligation to do exactly as they say, but seeing the problem through fresh eyes can help your own thinking snap into focus.

Leo Daily Horoscope

You’re probably feeling more risk-averse than usual lately. Though you’re willing to tolerate uncertainty up to a point, it eventually becomes too much; when the world around you feels too chaotic, you want as much consistency as you can get in your personal life. Sometimes it’s important to make risky choices regardless of how scared you are, but nobody can exist in a stressed and heightened emotional space all the time. Give yourself permission to prioritize stability for the time being, if that’s what you need.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

You do your best to be realistic. While some people seem constantly to indulge in wishful thinking, you would much rather see the world for what it is. Today, you could get especially frustrated by what seems like other people’s refusal to accept reality. It may be helpful to step in and bring the people around you back down to earth — but try not to be too rigid. Sometimes, daydreaming can open doors and expand what’s possible.

Libra Daily Horoscope

You recognize that everyone’s energy ebbs and flows and that it’s unrealistic to expect people to maintain a consistently high level of productivity. Yet deep down, part of you imagines that this only applies to other people and that you should be able to work constantly without the quality of your output ever slipping. The more you push yourself, though, the more rest you’ll need. If you’re running on empty, take some time to refill your tank.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Sometimes, thinking through hypothetical situations is clarifying; it helps you to explore possibilities and put your values to the test. Imagining what you might do in various situations can help you take action when the time comes. Today, though, be careful that you’re not investing so much in imaginary scenarios that you lose sight of what’s actually going on in your life. You don’t need to invent challenges for yourself or ways to demonstrate your courage: There are plenty of opportunities available to you right now.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may be hesitant to take action today. When life gets as complicated as it feels right now, you don’t trust yourself to navigate it; it seems safer to hang back in the hopes that, sooner or later, a path will appear in front of you. But while it’s often wise not to rush decision-making, be careful not to sit on the sidelines too long. If you wait until the conditions are perfect or a foolproof plan materializes, you’ll never get anywhere. Sometimes the only way to learn is by doing.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Even when you know that something, a relationship or a job, isn’t working for you anymore, you find it hard to make a change. You feel a responsibility to stick to your routines; you worry you’ll shock and disappoint the people around you if you set out in a new direction. But today, it’ll be impossible to avoid change entirely — your life is full of too many moving parts for that — so you might as well take charge. Don’t wait around for something to happen. Be brave and make a move proactively.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

You work hard to do your job well, be a good friend, and participate actively in your community — not because you want to be praised by others but simply because you care. Still, it is nice to be recognized. Today, you may fear that your efforts are going unnoticed, that nobody sees or cares about your contributions. While it doesn’t feel good, try to see it as an opportunity, too. If no one else is monitoring what you’re up to, you have a chance to try new things, free from embarrassment.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Most of the time, your instincts about new people are spot on. You can tell whom you’re going to like and whom you’ll never truly connect with; you can identify almost immediately those who may cause trouble in your life. But today, be open to being surprised. It doesn’t mean you were wrong or your judgment is slipping, only that people don’t fit so neatly into set categories. If you give people outside your usual social circles a chance, they may surprise you.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: Feb. 24, 2025