Jonathan Groff - Vulture
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Jonathan Groff

  1. the vulture transcript
    Sometimes Looking Got a Little Too RealThe cast and creators of the beloved HBO half-hour put their most vulnerable experiences into the script.
  2. musical the-a-ter
    Broadway Continues Evolution Into a Series of Immersive NightclubsNext up: a Jonathan Groff–starring Bobby Darin bio-musical, Just in Time, with a big band.
  3. theater
    The Merrily Leads Are Old Friends NowIn Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez, and Daniel Radcliffe’s hands, the show is a Broadway hit at long last.
  4. theater review
    Lindsay Mendez, Jonathan Groff, and Daniel Radcliffe in Merrily We Roll Along.
    Here’s to Them. Who’s Like Them? Damn Few.Turns out what Merrily We Roll Along needs most is three actors who can really bring it home, and here they are.
  5. what’s up doc?
    Doctor Who Had His Gayest Kiss EverLeave it to the always-wet Jonathan Groff.
  6. last night on late night
    The Merrily Crew Knows How to Mount a Charm OffensiveDaniel Radcliffe, Jonathan Groff, and Lindsay Mendez went on The Late Show to sing “Old Friends” and elicit awe.
  7. don’t stop!
    Glee Crushes Past Haunt New York TheatersDarren Criss, Jonathan Groff, and now Grant Gustin are vindicating Ryan Murphy’s twink-casting abilities.
  8. endings
    Let’s Talk About the Ending of Knock at the Cabin Knock at the Cabin changes the ending from the novel and suggests that acquiescing to fate, rather than fighting it, is bravery — even grace.
  9. movie review
    Knock at the Cabin Is M. Night Shyamalan’s Best Film Since The VillageAnchored by an incredible Dave Bautista performance, it’s a triumphant return to the sincerity and confidence of the director’s early work.
  10. comebacks
    Merrily Rolls Along to BroadwayAs the first Broadway revival of the Sondheim show, which premiered in 1981.
  11. theater review
    What’s to Discuss, Old Friends? Merrily We Roll Along Is Back.Maria Friedman’s revival, starring Jonathan Groff and Daniel Radcliffe, makes the grade.
  12. gleeks rise up
    Which Glee Alums Are Going to See Funny Girl?Count Chris Colfer out.
  13. gay gasp
    M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin Has Tied Up Gay Guys — But Not Like ThatAnd Jonathan Groff plays a literal daddy.
  14. merrily we cast along
    Jonathan Groff and Lindsay Mendez Join Daniel Radcliffe in Merrily We Roll AlongWe hope the priest from Lady Bird will be happier with this production.
  15. lea michele redemption arc
    The Spring Awakening Cast Is Still Making Theater Kids HornyLea Michele won’t be reading this, but we’ll tell you about her Tony performance anyway.
  16. the word of her body
    Lea Michele Is the Guilty One (of Oversharing About Jonathan Groff)On occasion of HBO’s Spring Awakening doc, Those You’ve Known.
  17. very bad guys
    Every Movie Villain Is a Tech BroThe long-gestating archetype gets at a dull, persistent itch in our psyches that we can’t scratch away.
  18. chat room
    Jonathan Groff Explains His No-Socks Matrix VillainHe is also okay with his thing being mouth horror.
  19. reunions
    Lea Michele Returning to Broadway Anyway for Spring Awakening Reunion ConcertThe Funny Girl revival won’t rain on her parade.
  20. love is an open doooooor
    Alfred Molina Crying Has Us Crying As He Marries Frozen Director Jennifer LeeNow, this is news worth melting for.
  21. zaddy alert
    Jake Johnson to Star in Netflix Series As a Literal DaddyAlongside Gina Rodriguez and Jonathan Groff.
  22. sorry
    Just a Post About Jonathan Groff’s King George Spit in HamiltonSorry, we had to.
  23. ruh roh
    Mindhunter Season 3 Has Been Put on an ‘Indefinite Hold’You, however, will be back on Netflix for a third season.
  24. lost in the woods
    What’s Important About Frozen II Is Jonathan Groff Gets an ’80s Rock BangerI am lost in the wooooooods.
  25. movie review
    Frozen 2 Exists Because the Market, Not the Story, Demanded ItIs it fair to call a sequel unnecessary when it’s going to make a jillion dollars?
  26. theater review
    Theater Review: Little Shop of Horrors Is a Bouquet With BiteA superior combo: Big-Broadway talent, community-theater energy.
  27. profile
    Jonathan Groff Is More Than Just the Murder GuyBouncing from Mindhunter to Little Shop of Horrors, the actor is finally having fun.
  28. trailer mix
    Mindhunter Season Two Trailer: Catch Him If You CanMore inkblots, but even more murders.
  29. off broadway
    Jonathan Groff Is Leading an Off Broadway Little Shop of Horrors RevivalPerformances start September 17.
  30. true crime
    Mindhunter Season Two Is Coming Back This AugustThe show skips forward to tackle the Atlanta child murders.
  31. emmy insider
    The Mindhunter Cast Knows How to Spot a SociopathA discussion with Jonathan Groff, Holt McCallany, Anna Torv, and Cameron Britton from this year’s Vulture Festival.
  32. vulture festival 2018
    Cameron Britton Thought About Killing His Mom While Filming MindhunterTalk about getting into character.
  33. vulture festival 2018
    Jonathan Groff Swears That His Mindhunter Character Isn’t a Serial Killer“My friends were texted me, saying, ‘So when are you gonna start killing people?’”
  34. renewals
    Mindhunter Renewed for Season 2, So Maybe Jonathan Groff Can Get All Murdery NowNow tell us who the ADT guy is!
  35. sing out holden!
    Okay, Fine, Jonathan Groff Will Give You a Musical Version of Mindhunter“The mind I’m really hunting is my owwwwwwwwn!”
  36. chat room
    Mindhunter’s Hannah Gross on Working With David Fincher and Jonathan GroffAnd the jump from micro-budget indie films to Netflix’s hit crime drama.
  37. theories
    All the Signs Holden Ford on Mindhunter Is a Developing PsychopathSomething seems off about Holden Ford from the minute we meet him.
  38. How Mindhunter Makes Serial Killers Feel QuaintIt harkens back to a time when the most disturbing thing about society was a thing we, the audience, already know well.
  39. ham4ham
    Watch Lin-Manuel Miranda Freestyle With the Roots in a Brief Return to Ham4HamTo celebrate the release of the Hamilton instrumentals.
  40. last night on late night
    Jimmy Fallon and Jonathan Groff Sing Hamilton*deafening gasp*
  41. trailer mix
    Watch the Trailer for the Looking MovieSomebody’s getting married!
  42. looking
    You Can Stop Looking for the Looking Movie’s Premiere Date: It’s July 23Have the piri piri chicken ready at 10 p.m.
  43. last night on late night
    Jonathan Groff Coronates Jimmy Fallon as KingFallon is singing “You’ll Be Back” on The Hamilton Mixtape.
  44. ham4ham
    Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele Do Ham4HamThis video is brought to you by dreams and Starburst.
  45. hamilton
    Hamilton’s Jonathan Groff Hands Over King George’s Crown to Rory O’MalleyGroffsauce has to go shoot a David Fincher drama.
  46. the hamilton papers
    Hamilton’s 3 King Georges Discuss the Role“You would think, God, how many times can you do nine minutes and find it interesting?”
  47. last night on late night
    Jonathan Groff Teaches Colbert the Hamilton WalkWork.
  48. let’s talk about sex
    Jonathan Groff Is Gonna Have a Lot of Sex in the Looking MovieThat’s a lot of Groffsauce.
  49. party chat
    No, Andrew Rannells Won’t Get You a House Ticket to See HamiltonHe says Girls grows up for season five.
  50. work
    Beyoncé Vows to Steal Hamilton’s King George’s WalkShe told Jonathan Groff after seeing the show. RIP, Jonathan Groff.
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