The Serpent Queen — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Serpent Queen

Photo: Shanna Besson/Starz
  1. Episode 8 A Queen Is Made
    The Serpent Queen Season-Finale Recap: Trust No One Catherine de’ Medici: so complicated. So many layers. A true onion of a person. But, like, a scheming onion.
  2. Episode 7 An Attack on the King
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Everyone’s Related Mary thinks if she tells Rahima all the facts, Rahima will lend her her mediocre snooping skills.
  3. Episode 6 The Last Joust
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Heading for a Wedding Let us call this a turning point for Catherine.
  4. Episode 5 The First Regency
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Cutting Out the Middleman Is this because of all the gold Diane has been drinking?
  5. Episode 4 A New Era
  6. Episode 3 The Price
    The Serpent Queen Recap: The Melon and the Eggplant Catherine and Diane are now united, which makes for great television.
  7. Episode 2 To War Rather Than to Bed
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Lessons in Vengeance Can we get more Samantha Morton?
  8. Episode 1 Medici Bitch
    The Serpent Queen Series-Premiere Recap: The Villain We Deserve Catherine de’ Medici looks back on her life filled with a ridiculous number of murders and various assorted crimes. And it’s exciting!
  1. Episode 8 All Saints Day
    The Serpent Queen Season-Finale Recap: This Murder Banquet Is Your Space Worm This is Catherine de’ Medici’s big moment, and it doesn’t disappoint!
  2. Episode 7 A House Divided
    The Serpent Queen Recap: The Virgin and the Witch Catherine is finally scheming and plotting in the best episode of the season.
  3. Episode 6 Courting the Valois
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Rumors of Her Virginity Are Greatly Exaggerated Minnie Driver’s portrayal of Elizabeth I is inspired. She’s here to take over France and bone French noblemen. This is why we watch this show!
  4. Episode 5 Time With the Family
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Catherine’s Garbage Children Is it just me or does this season feel half-hearted and weird?
  5. Episode 4 Judas
    The Serpent Queen Recap: Just Kill Edith I’m anti-murder, but if everyone wants Edith dead can we just get it over with?
  6. Episode 3 Death of a Prince
    The Serpent Queen Recap: That’s Cult Behavior We need more Minnie Driver and less murderous queers.
  7. Episode 2 Second Coming
    The Serpent Queen Recap: No One’s Getting Along Who knew managing a country would be this hard?
  8. Episode 1 Grand Tour
    The Serpent Queen Season-Premiere Recap: Something’s Afoot at the Palace Who are all these people again? Why don’t these characters ever address one another by name?

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