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Meet the Ronsons: They Will Be Your Tenenbaums Today

We don’t want to know
what this photo means. Courtesy Harpers Bazaar

Harper’s Bazaar has corralled the Ronsons together for a photo shoot reimagining the fam as the Royal Tenenbaums. It’s all so utterly twee and precious — like all of Wes Anderson’s films! Between Mark, Charlotte, and Samantha, the group has about ten different jobs (D.J.-ing, producing, co-hosting charity balls, designing clothes, Lindsay Lohan’s walker, etc.). It seems that the one thing they can’t do is find time to be in each other’s presence.

“Not even on the high holiest of Jewish holidays do we all get together,” Mark, 32, tells Bazaar. “But we get together individually whenever we can.”

Samantha, 31, refuses to ante up tidbits on her relationship with Li-Lo. “I’m not going to talk about Lindsay because she’s my friend, you know? She’s great. She’s also 22 years old. I think people forget that. With the Internet the way it is, one second we’re enemies, one second we’re best friends, one second we’re lovers, and then we’re broken up.”

Charlotte, 31, adds: “When Samantha is walking around and all of the paparazzi are shooting her, I should have her wear a T-shirt that says, WEAR CHARLOTTE RONSON on the front. And on the back, it could say, AND LEAVE ME ALONE.”

Fans of the film will either love the reenactment or be wildly offended. Choose your category now. —Noelle Hancock

The Royal Ronsons [Harper’s Bazaar via Brandish]

Meet the Ronsons: They Will Be Your Tenenbaums Today